I got my bangs cut.
My coworkers said medium length hiar suited me more.
What do you want to be when you were a kid?
It was during the bubble, everyone had a lot of money, he used to bring a lot of cakes.
She started playing (the piano) when she was 5.
I still have a piano, but it just sits there.
I bought some books, but those just sit.
I used to play with model cars.
A lot of my friends were boys.
I grow up in a small town.
☓local ←localは「ウチの近く」
The lifestyle didn't suit him.
He decided to study accounting.
He has a steady mondey to friday job.
I was set on (going to the beach) byt ( it was raining).
working hours
What time do you usually get to the office?
What time do you usually go home?
Do you work a lot of unpaid overtime?
laber low ←labor's right
I usually finish work on time.
an inaguration is a ceremony where the president becones the president.
Obama was a lame duck, but now he is a former president.
I also like to go fishing.
What do you do for fun?
I like to play with my dogs.
one of my dogs has difficulties walking.
yesterday was Donald Trump's inaguration
I think he may be good for japan, but not so good for the rest of the world.
my friend is into namebrands so we did a lot of shopping.
※namebrands 反対語は、generic らしい
into = like
Europe is better for solo travelers.