だから,yellow monkeyって言われ,すごく怒る人と,そうでも無い人がいるのかも,とふと思いました
yellow belly 臆病者
yellow journalism 低俗なジャーナリズム(イエローペーパー)
graybeard 老人・賢者
gray experience 老練
I called Kaori to move 2 of my lessons up.
I bookede the 6:20 train in the morning.
because it was my only option. ×choice
→I have a couple of options.
I'm a little bit worried about getting home that night. It's going to be crazy.
Can I ask if it's expensive?
Can I ask if you're married?
Can I ask where you had worked before?
they are trying to build relationships with other laboratories.
I have 4 lessons in a row today.
I flew there (on the way),
I took the bullet train (on the way) back.
It's already been 10 years, since I've lived in Osaka.
It's already been 15 years, since 911.
I don't make specific plans. 具体的予定を立てず旅をする
I just play it by ear. ←もともと楽譜を見ずに演奏するところから,こういう使い方もするらしい
I just wing it. ←これも,スラングで,こういう言い方するらしい
My mom dindn't know where I'd been untill I came back to Japan.
If you hadn't told your sister ,
your mom wouldn't have known where you were.
If I had got up earlier, I would've come here on time.
I had no problems booking hotels (on) the day of arriving.
I had no ploblems buying tickets (on) yhe day of concert.
My son was influenced by his father.
人生を決める影響の場合は, influence で affected ではないらしい.
I got my apartment through Chintai(company name).
I went to the clam school for each school.
ちなみに,試験とか無いから,go to clamschool × enter
hard document
soft document
We have to keep /// だめだ,ケニーの文字が読めないし,まったく記憶がよみがえらない
They will explein how to make(?) our documents electollicaly.
I worked on Saturday so I took today off instead.
I worked on Sunday so I took a day off today.
They even made it to the national competition.
qualified for
※ここの even は感情.動詞を強調
→なお do + 動詞原型 これは,聞き手の「え,やったの?」的驚きを表す.
A: I had the great time at the party.
B:so, you did go to the party???
She has to take an entrance exam in spring 2017.