hi nativeってアプリおすすめ
I'm going go to the movie theater.
I haven't been to the cinema for 5 or 6 years.
→I haven't benn there だと「特定の場所」になる。映画館という存在に行ってないといいたいからこの場合は
I haven't seen him for more than 6 monthes.
It based on a comic.
My friend who likes the comic asked me to go with her.
Do you often go to the movie theater?
What do you do this weekend?
-I'm goig to go out for drinking with my best friend.
How did you first meet meet him?
I'm interested in the growth and development of the europian continent.
We are interested in ancient japanese history like Jomon.
it's nice. I also interested in the formation (how to made)of Japan as a collection of islands.
I didn't know you like a history buff.
buffは、history と movie のみ使う。
music buffとは言わない
you can get whatever you want.
If you consider(=whe you think),you don't have a car, Tokyo can be reructantly inexpensive.
downside pl.:dawnsides ←downsize= to reduce
I don't want to live anywhere but Tokyo.
in my case, I want to move into the sub…