The Influence of Virus Infection on Microglia and Accelerated Brain Aging - PubMed
Microglia are the resident immune cells of the central nervous system contributing substantially to health and disease. There is increasing evidence that inflamm...
The Impact of Immune System Aging on Infectious Diseases
Immune system aging is becoming a field of increasing public health interest because of prolonged life expectancy, which is not paralleled by an increase in heal...
Interactomics: Dozens of Viruses, Co-evolving With Humans, Including the Influenza A Virus, may Actively Distort Human Aging
Abstract. Some viruses (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus 1 and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) have been experimentally proposed to acce
OUP Academic
Accelerated immune ageing is associated with COVID-19 disease severity - Immunity & Ageing
Background The striking increase in COVID-19 severity in older adults provides a clear example of immunesenescence, the age-related remodelling of the immune sys...
BioMed Central
Persistent viral infections and immune aging
Immunosenescence comprises a set of dynamic changes occurring to both, the innate as well as the adaptive immune system that accompany human aging and…