

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 黄泉の国 5

『日本書紀』 黄泉の国 5




The text says, “Izanagi, with three children, said, ‘The Great Deity of the Sun can govern the High Plain of Heaven. The Deity of the Moon-Night-Seer can observe the affairs of Heaven and be paired with the Sun. The Deity of the Swift-Male-God can rule the Origin of the Vast Sea.’” After this, the Great Deity of the Sun said from Heaven, “I have heard that in the Central Land of Reed Plains, there is a Deity of Food. It would be good for you to go and wait for the Moon-Night-Seer.” The Moon-Night-Seer received the order and descended. Upon arriving at the Deity of Food, the Deity turned its head toward the land, and food came out of its mouth. When it turned toward the sea, its fins extended and contracted out of its mouth, and when it turned toward the mountains, both coarse and fine hair came out of its mouth. All things were prepared, stored in a hundred vessels, and offered. At that time, the Moon-Night-Seer became angry, saying, “How vile and low! Would I dare to be nourished by things that come out of your mouth?” The Moon-Night-Seer drew his sword and struck the Deity, killing it.

The Moon-Night-Seer then reported the incident in full. At that time, the Great Deity of the Sun was furious, saying, “You are an evil deity. We do not need to meet.” Thus, the Moon-Night-Seer and the Great Deity of the Sun separated for one day and one night. After this, the Great Deity of the Sun sent the Heavenly Bear-Man to observe. At that time, the Deity of Food was already dead, and only its top had transformed into cattle and horses, with grains on its head, hairs on its eyebrows, seeds in its eyes, grains in its belly, and wheat and various beans in its groin. The Heavenly Bear-Man took everything and presented it. At that time, the Great Deity of the Sun was pleased, saying, “These are things that can be seen by the blue lives to eat and live.” Then, using millet and seeds as upland field seeds, and rice as paddy field seeds, the Great Deity of the Sun established the land of Tiankamichi and Osadano. In the autumn, the grains hung down and were very quick to ripen. The seeds contained in their mouths could be drawn into silk. From this, the method of raising silkworms began. The Deity of Food is also called Ukemochi, the Knowing-How-to-Increase-Things. The blue lives to be seen are the Utsushikemuri, the Great Goblins and Birds, and others who support them.

Afterward, the Swift-Male-God asked, saying, “I have now received my orders, and I will go to my root land. So, I want to go to the High Heaven Origin for a while, meet my sister, and then return forever.” It was granted. Afterward, Izanagi’s divine work was complete, and the divine spirits were about to move. Therefore, a palace was built on the shore of Awaji, where Izanagi would remain in seclusion. It is also said that since Izanagi’s divine work was complete, his virtue was great. So, he ascended to heaven to report the divine command and left his abode in the Sun’s Little Palace. The Little Palace is the place called Yamatokuni.





令和5年10月20日(金) 2023

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