『日本書紀』雄略天皇 39
In the seventh month of autumn, on the day of Kanoto-Ushi (辛丑), the Emperor fell ill. He issued an edict entrusting all matters, both great and small, including rewards and punishments, to the Crown Prince.
On the seventh day of the eighth month, the Emperor's illness worsened. He bid farewell to his ministers, clasping their hands and weeping. He passed away in the Great Hall. In his final edict to Ōtomo no Muroya no Omuraji (大伴室屋大連) and Yamato no Aya no Tsuka no Atai (東漢掬直), he said, "Now, the world is united as one family, and the smoke from the hearths rises far and wide. The people are at peace, and the surrounding tribes have submitted. This is the will of heaven, seeking to bring tranquility to the land. By admonishing myself and diligently striving each day, it is all for the sake of the people. Ministers and officials attend court daily, and provincial governors and district magistrates gather regularly. How can one not dedicate oneself wholeheartedly and work earnestly? Though our relationship is one of ruler and subject, our feelings are like those of a parent and child. I hope that with the wisdom and strength of my ministers, we can bring joy to the hearts of the people within and outside the realm, ensuring lasting peace throughout the land.
It is unfortunate that my illness has worsened and brought me to the brink of death. This is the way of the world, and there is no need to speak further of it. However, the attire of the court officials has not yet been fully established, and the moral and legal governance has not been perfected. Thinking of this leaves me with lingering regret. I have lived long enough to no longer be considered young, and my physical strength and spirit have been completely exhausted. My efforts were not for myself but for the peace and well-being of the people. This is why I say these things. Just as a parent wishes to convey their thoughts to their children, so must one devote themselves to the affairs of the realm."
八月七日、天皇の病状がさらに悪化しました。百官と別れの言葉を交わし、手を握りながら泣かれました。そして大殿で崩御されました。大伴室屋大連(おおとものむろやのおおむらじ)と東漢掬直(やまとのあやのつかのあたい)に遺詔を述べて、「今、天下は一つの家のようにまとまり、竈(かまど)の煙は遠くまで立ち上がっている。百姓(おおみたから 民)はよく治まり、四囲の夷(えびす 周囲の異民族)もよく従っている。これは、天意が国内を安らかにしようと思われたからである。心を責め、己を励まして、毎日毎日を慎むことは百姓のためである。臣下や役人は毎日参朝し、国司や郡司は時々集まる。どうして心肝を尽して、ねんごろに勤めないでよかろうか。義務としては君臣だが、情けでは父子同様だ。臣下たちの知恵と力によって、内外の人々の心を喜ばせ、長く天下を安らかに保ちたいと思う。思いがけず、病が重くなって命が尽きるとは。これは人の常であり、言うに足らないことだ。しかし、朝廷や民間の制度がまだ完全には整っていない。教化や政治もまだ十分ではない。これを思うと、心残りだ。今、年齢もそこそこに達し、短命ではない。体力も精神も尽きた感じがする。これらのことは自分の身のためだけではない。百姓を安らかに育てたいからだ。このようなことを述べたのもそのためである。親が子に思いを伝えたいように、天下のために心を尽くさねばならない」。
令和6年7月28日(日) 2024