

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 25

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 25




In the fourteenth year, in the spring, on the twelfth day of the first month, Baekje (百済) sent two envoys, Upper Deoksol Shina no Shishu (上部徳率科野次酒) and Kansol Raisokuton (杆率礼塞敦), to request military assistance.

On the thirteenth day, the envoy Middle Kansol Mokura Konton (中部杆率木刕今敦) from Baekje, along with Kawachibe no Ashihitara (河内部阿斯比多), set off on their journey back.

On the first day (or possibly the seventh day) of the fifth month in summer, a report arrived from Kawachi Province (河内国) stating, “From within the waters of Chinu (茅渟) in Izumi District (泉郡), we hear sounds of Buddhist music. The sound resembles thunder, and a light shines brightly like the sun.”

The Emperor, intrigued by this, dispatched Ikebe no Atai (溝辺直) to investigate beneath the sea. During his exploration, Ikebe no Atai found a brilliant camphor tree (樟木) shining under the water. He retrieved this and presented it to the Emperor, who then commanded a skilled craftsman to carve two Buddha statues from the wood. These statues, now kept at Yoshino Temple (吉野寺) in Nara Prefecture, continue to emit a radiant light.

In the sixth month, an official known as Uchitsuomi (内臣) (name unknown) was sent as an emissary to Baekje, bringing gifts of two fine horses, two ships of composite construction called moroki-bune (諸木船), fifty bows, and fifty sets of arrows (2,500 arrows in total). The Emperor decreed, “The military support should be provided according to the King’s wishes.” Additionally, he issued another decree: “The positions of Medical Doctor (医博士), Divination Doctor (易博士), and Calendar Doctor (暦博士) should be rotated in turns. Currently, the term has ended for the current holders, so arrange for replacements to return with the emissaries. Also, send books on divination (卜書), calendar templates (暦本), and various medicinal ingredients.”

On the fourth day of the seventh month, the Emperor visited the Kusunomagari Palace (樟勾宮). Soga no Oomi Iname no Sukune (蘇我大臣稲目宿禰), having received the Emperor’s decree, dispatched Ojinni (王辰爾) to keep records of the ship taxes. Ojinni was appointed as Fune no Tsukasa (船司, Ship Administrator) and given the surname Fune no Fubito (船史). He is the ancestor of the current Fune no Muraji (船連) lineage.





天皇は不思議に思われ、溝辺直(いけべのあたい)を遣わして海中を調べさせた。このとき、溝辺直は海の中で光り輝く樟(くす)の木を発見した。彼はこれを取り出し、天皇に献上した。天皇は画工(えのたくみ)に命じて、この樟で二体の仏像を造らせた。これが現在、吉野寺(よしのでら 奈良県吉野)にあり、光を放っている樟の仏像である。



令和6年10月29日(火) 2024

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