『日本書紀』欽明天皇 24
In the tenth month of winter, the King Seimei of Baekje (百済) changed his name to “King Seong” (聖王) and sent an envoy, the Daesol Nuri Shichikei (怒唎斯致契), a leader from the West Division of the Hime Clan (西部姫氏), to Japan. They presented a gilded bronze statue of Buddha (釋迦佛) along with banners, ceremonial canopies, and several Buddhist sutras and treatises.
Additionally, they submitted a written statement describing the merits of widely worshipping the Buddha, stating, “This teaching is the most profound among all doctrines. It is difficult to comprehend and hard to attain, so much so that even the great sages like Duke Zhou (周公) and Confucius (孔子) could not grasp it. However, it generates boundless virtues and blessings, ultimately leading to the achievement of supreme enlightenment. Just as a person holding a wish-fulfilling gem can attain whatever they desire, this precious teaching also grants all wishes. From faraway India (天竺) to the three kingdoms of Korea (三韓), people respectfully uphold and honor this teaching. Therefore, King Seimei of Baekje, with all his ministers, humbly sends his attendant Nuri Shichikei(怒唎斯致契) to bring this teaching to your imperial land, fulfilling the prophecy that ‘the Buddha’s teachings will flow eastward.’”
Upon hearing this, the Emperor was overjoyed and, summoning the envoy, said, “I have never before heard of such a profound teaching. However, I cannot make this decision alone.” He then consulted his ministers, asking, “This image of the Buddha, sent from a western kingdom, has a divine and noble appearance. Should we worship it or not?”
The Great Minister Soga no Omi Iname (蘇我大臣稻目宿禰) replied, “All the countries of the west worship it. Why should our country, Toyoashihara (豊秋日本), alone go against it?” However, Mononobe no Omuraji Okoshi (物部大連尾輿) and Nakatomi no Muraji Kamako (中臣連鎌子) argued, “Our nation has long been ruled by our great sovereigns, who have worshipped the 180 deities (百八十神) of heaven and earth, and who conduct rituals to honor them in spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Introducing the worship of a foreign god might bring the wrath of our native deities (国神).”
In response, the Emperor said, “Let it be entrusted to the willing—Soga no Iname may try worshipping it.” With this, Minister Soga received the Buddha statue with reverence and joy. He enshrined it at his residence in Oharida (小墾田) and diligently pursued Buddhist practices, later consecrating his residence at Mukuhara (向原) as a temple.
However, soon afterward, an epidemic spread throughout the country, causing many to fall ill and die. Unable to find a remedy, Mononobe no Omuraji Okoshi and Nakatomi no Muraji Kamako jointly appealed, saying, “The calamity now upon us is surely due to ignoring our counsel and bringing this worship into the land. If we return to our ways, surely fortune will follow. We should discard the Buddha and seek blessings elsewhere.” The Emperor responded, “Do as you say.”
Accordingly, the officials cast the Buddha statue into the Naniwa canal (難波堀江) and set the temple ablaze, burning it entirely. Shortly thereafter, a fire erupted in the great palace hall, even though the skies were calm with neither wind nor clouds.
In this same year, the Baekje kingdom abandoned the cities of Hansong (漢城) and Pyongyang (平壤). In their place, Silla (新羅) took control of Hansong, an area now known as Gozuhou (牛頭方) and Nimihou (尼彌方) in Silla territory. The exact location of these names remains unclear.
冬十月、百済(くだら)の聖明王(せいめいおう)は、名前を聖王(せいおう)と改め、西部姫氏達率(せいぶきし たつそつ)の怒唎斯致契(ぬりしちけい)らを日本に派遣した。彼らは釈迦仏(しゃかほとけ)の金銅像(かねのみかた)一体、幡蓋(はたきぬがさ)数点、経典数巻を献上した。さらに別の書状を添え、仏教を広めて礼拝する功徳について述べている。その内容は「この法(仏教の教え)は、すべての教えの中で最も優れている。理解も困難であり、周公(しゅうこう)や孔子でさえも知りえないものである。この教えは無限の福徳と果報を生み、究極の悟りを得させる力がある。例えば、人が“随意宝(ずいいほう)”と呼ばれる宝を持っており、その宝で何でも思いのままになるのと同様に、この法(教え)もまた、願いをかなえるものである。願わくば、この尊い法により不足のないように祈りたい。この教えは、遠くインドから三韓に至るまで尊重されている。百済の聖王とその臣下は、この教えを日本に伝え、広く国内に行き渡ることを願っている。仏が『我が教えは東に伝わるであろう』と予言されたことを実現させようとするものである」というものであった。
令和6年10月28日(月) 2024