

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 3

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 3




*投化(とうか)  徳を慕って訪ね来て、帰服すること。帰化すること


In December of the winter month, on the day of Kōshin (甲申), the Prince of Ametsu Kuniharabironiwa  ascended to the throne as Emperor(Kinmei). At the time, he was still young. The former Empress was honored as the Dowager Empress. Ōtomo no Kanamura, Ōmuraji (chief minister) of the Ōtomo clan, and Mononobe no Okoshi, Ōmuraji of the Mononobe clan, retained their positions. Soga no Iname, Sukune (chief of noble rank), also continued his role as Ōomi (minister), as before.

In the first year, during the first month, on the 15th day, the officials requested the establishment of an Empress. The Emperor issued a decree, stating, “Let the rightful consort, Ishi-hime, the daughter of Emperor TakeoHirokuniŌashitate(Emperor Senka), be made Empress.”

The couple had two sons and one daughter. The eldest was Prince Yata no Tamakatsu no Ōe no Mikoto, the second was Prince Oshikoto Nunokura no Futotamashiki no Mikoto (later Emperor Bidatsu), and the youngest was Princess Kasanui no Himemiko, who was later renamed Princess Satake no Himemiko.

In February, a man from Baekje named Kochifu (己知部) defected to Japan and was settled in the Yamamura village in Sōjō District of Yamato Province. This village is now the ancestral home of the Kochifu clan.

In March, the Emishi and Hayato tribes, along with their followers, submitted to the imperial authority.

In the autumn, on the 14th day of July, the capital was moved to Shikishima Island in Shiki District of Yamato Province, and it was named Kanesashi no Miya (Palace of Shikishima Kanesashi).

In August, envoys from Goguryeo(高麗), Baekje(百済), Silla(新羅), and Mimana were sent, and tribute was offered to the court. Immigrants from the Qin(秦) and Han(漢) clans, as well as other foreign groups who had submitted, were organized and settled in various districts, and were registered in the national census. The number of Qin households totaled 7,053, and Ōkura no Fubito was appointed as the leader of the Qin people, titled “Hata no Tomonomiyatsuko.”


冬十二月五日(庚辰朔甲申)、天國排開廣庭皇子(あめつくにはらびろにわのみこ)天皇の位に即かれた(欽明天皇)。時に年はまだ若干だった。尊き皇后は皇太后(こうたいごう)と称され、大伴金村大連(おおとも の かなむら の おおむらじ)および物部尾輿大連(もののべ の おこし の おおむらじ)はともに大連の職に就き、また蘇我稻目宿禰(そが の いなめ の すくね)は大臣(おおおみ)として以前と変わらずその職にあたった。

元年春一月十五日(正月庚戌朔甲子)、有司たちは皇后を立てることをお願いしました。天皇は詔(みことのり)して「正妃(せいひ)たる武小廣國押盾天皇(たけおひろくにおしたてのすめらみこと 宣化天皇)の娘、石姫(いしひめ)を皇后としよう」と仰せになった。

二男一女をお生みになった。長子は箭田珠勝大兄皇子(やたのたまかつのおおえのみこ)、次子は譯語田渟中倉太珠敷尊(おしことぬのくらのふとたましきのみこと 後の敏達(びだつ)天皇)、末子は笠縫皇女(かさぬい の ひめみこ)で、のちに狹田毛皇女(さたけ の ひめみこ)と改名された。





令和6年10月8日(火) 2024

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