

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 黄泉の国 3

『日本書紀』 黄泉の国 3




According to one book, “It is said that the deity Izanagi, drawing his sword, slew the deity Kagu-tsuchi, and thereby he made in three degrees. One degree became the deity of thunder, another the deity of the great mountains, and the third the deity of fire. When he slew Kagu-tsuchi, the blood gushed forth and stained the heavenly eighty rivers with five hundred rocks wherever it flowed. They became deities and were called the Rock-splitting deity, Root-splitting deity, the Rock-carrying deity, and the Princess of the Barrier. Among them were two deities, the male Kagutsuchi and the female Iwanaga-hime. Also, there was an offspring deity called Okuninushi. Similarly, there were deities called Suijin-hime and Warawa-tsu-mi. In addition, there were deities named Mo-kusu-bere, Mo-kud-mi, Idzuhiko, O-Ika-mochi, Izanami’s dwelling place at Umashi-kari-kari-dora-naki-dora, Yowatashi-me, the ugly woman Shikuma-uri, Shiri-higi-no-kami, Yomotsu-hirasaka, and Yomotsu-shikome. Besides these, there were deities called Ashi-kubi, and Mikaboshi. The above is the deity list. There are also many others.”

The passage goes on to mention, “Izanagi, in slaying Kagu-tsuchi, divided his body into five degrees, and each of them became a deity of the five mountains. One was the deity of the head, another the deity of the body, the third the deity of the arms, the fourth the deity of the waist, and the fifth the deity of the legs. At that time, the blood that gushed forth sprinkled the rocks, trees, and grasses. This is the origin of the fire contained in these rocks, trees, and grasses. The deity of the head is known as the Deity of Great Mountains, the deity of the body as the Deity of Middle Mountains, the deity of the arms as the Deity of Hills, the deity of the waist as the Deity of Hills and Streams, and the deity of the legs as the Deity of Valleys and Mountains. The Deity of Hills is called Fusha-yama.”




令和5年10月18日(水) 2023

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