

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 敏達天皇 3

『日本書紀』敏達天皇 3



In June, the Great Envoy of Goguryeo (高麗大使) said to the Deputy Envoys (副使等),
“During the reign of Emperor Shiki-shima (磯城嶋天皇, i.e., Emperor Kinmei 欽明天皇), you acted against my counsel and allowed yourselves to be deceived by others. You rashly divided the state tribute (國調) and handed it over to insignificant individuals (微者). Is this not your fault? If our king (我國王) learns of this, you will surely be punished.”

The Deputy Envoys (副使等) discussed among themselves, saying, “If we return to our country, the Great Envoy (大使) will expose our faults. This would be disastrous. We should secretly kill him to silence him.”

That night, their plot was discovered. Realizing this, the Great Envoy (大使) changed his clothing, slipped away alone, and stood in the courtyard of the lodging (館中庭), uncertain of what to do.

Then, one bandit (賊) appeared, holding a staff. He struck the Great Envoy on the head and fled.
Next, another bandit approached directly, struck the Great Envoy’s head and hand, and also fled.
Even then, the Great Envoy remained silent, standing on the ground and wiping the blood from his face.

Again, another bandit rushed at him with a blade, stabbed him in the abdomen, and fled.
At this point, the Great Envoy, terrified, fell to the ground and prostrated himself.

Finally, another bandit came and killed him before fleeing.

The next morning, the official in charge of receiving foreign envoys,Yamato-no-Aya no Sakanoue no Atai Komaro (東漢坂上直 子麻呂), and others investigated the incident.

The Deputy Envoys (副使等) fabricated a story, saying,
“The Emperor bestowed a wife upon the Great Envoy (大使), but he defied the imperial command (勅) and refused her. Such insolence is unacceptable, so we killed him on behalf of the Emperor.”

The officials conducted a burial (葬) in accordance with proper rites .

In autumn, during the seventh month, the Goguryeo envoys returned to their country.

This year was the cycle of Mizunoe-Tatsu (壬辰, 592 CE).




翌朝、外国の使臣を接待する役目の東漢坂上直 子麻呂(やまとのあやのさかのうえのあたい こまろ)らが事件の経緯を調べた。副使たちは偽りを述べて言った。「天皇陛下が大使に妻を賜りましたが、大使は勅命に背き、それを受け入れませんでした。まことに無礼でありますので、私どもが天皇陛下のために彼を殺しました」。役人たちは礼に従って遺体を収めて葬った。秋七月、高麗の使者たちは帰国した。


令和6年11月16日(土) 2024

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