

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 敏達天皇 2

『日本書紀』敏達天皇 2



On the fifteenth day, the Emperor took a letter from the Kingdom of Goguryeo (高麗, Korea) and gave it to the Chief Minister. He then summoned various scribes and ordered them to read and interpret it. However, after three days, none of the scribes were able to read it. At that moment, a man named Ō Jinni (王辰爾), an ancestor of the Fune no Fuhito (船史), successfully read and interpreted the letter. Seeing this, the Emperor and the Chief Minister praised him together, saying, “Well done, Jinni! How admirable! If you had not devoted yourself to learning, who else would have been able to read this document? From now on, you shall serve in the palace as one of our close attendants.”

The Emperor then spoke to the other scribes from the eastern and western regions, saying, “Despite the many of you who study this profession, you have yet to achieve true mastery. Even in your numbers, none could match Jinni alone.”

Furthermore, the document from Goguryeo was written on crow feathers. The characters were hard to discern because they blended into the feathers’ dark color, making them impossible to read. Jinni then steamed the feathers over rice cooking steam, pressed them onto a piece of fine silk (帛, nerikinu), and successfully transferred all the characters. The officials at the court were uniformly astonished by this.


十五日、天皇は高麗(こうらい 朝鮮)の国書をとって、大臣に渡された。そして多くの史(ふひと)を召し集め、解読を命じられた。しかし、三日が経っても誰一人として読むことができなかった。そのとき、船史(ふねのふひと)の祖先である王辰爾(おうじんに)という人物が、見事にその書状を読み解いて奉った。これを見て、天皇と大臣は共に彼を称賛し「よくやった、辰爾。実に立派である。もしお前が学問に励んでいなかったら、誰がこの文書を解読できただろうか。今後は、宮中において私のそばで仕えるように」と仰せになった。


また、この高麗からの書状は、烏(からす)の羽に書かれていた。文字が羽の黒さに紛れており、誰も読むことができなかったのである。そこで辰爾は、羽を炊飯の湯気で蒸し、それを柔らかい帛(ねりきぬ 柔かい上等の絹布)に押し付けて、すべての文字を写し取った。朝廷の人々はこれに一様に驚嘆したのである。

令和6年11月14日(木) 2024

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