

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 神武天皇 3

『日本書紀』神武天皇 3

夏四月丙申朔甲辰。皇師勒兵歩趣龍田。而其路狹嶮。人不得並行。乃還更欲東踰膽駒山而入中洲。時長髄彦聞之曰。夫天神子等所以來者。必將奪我國。則盡起屬兵。徼之於孔舍衞坂。與之會戰。有流矢中五瀬命肱脛。皇師不能進戰。天皇憂之。乃運神策於冲衿曰。今我是日神子孫。而向日征虜此逆天道也。不若退還示弱禮祭神祇。背負日神之威。隨影壓躡。如此則曾不血刃。虜必自敗矣。僉曰。然。於是令軍中曰。且停。勿復進。乃引軍還。虜亦不敢逼。却至草香津。植盾而爲雄誥焉。〈雄誥。此云烏多鷄 麼。〉因改號其津曰盾津。今云蓼津訛也。初孔舍衞之戰。有人隱於大樹而得兔難。仍指其樹曰。恩如母。時人因號其地曰母木邑。今云飫悶廼奇訛也。



In the third year of Emperor Jimmu’s reign, in the summer, on the ninth day of the fourth month, the imperial forces, organized by the royal tutor, equipped themselves and marched toward Tatsuta. However, the path was narrow and perilous, preventing people from walking side by side. They turned back and attempted to go east, crossing Mount Ikoma and entering Nakasu(Yamato).

Upon hearing this, Nagasunehiko remarked that the divine offspring, approaching in this manner, must be intending to conquer our country. Therefore, he mobilized all available forces and met them in battle at Kusae-no-saka. During the conflict, an arrow struck the elbow of Prince Itsuse, and the imperial forces, unable to advance, became a cause for concern. In response, Emperor Jimmu expressed worry and sought counsel. He decided to move the divine strategy in his mind, 
stating 《The emperor could march no further and fight no more. Then the Emperor (Sumeramikoto), feeling disappointed, turned the divine plan (ayashiki hakarigoto) in his mind and said》, “We, the descendants of the Sun Deity, are acting against the natural order by attacking towards the sun. It would be better to retreat, show humility, conduct solemn rituals for the divine spirits, and carry the weight of the Sun Deity on our backs. Following the shadows, we should proceed in this manner, and thus, without shedding blood, the enemy is bound to self-defeat.” All agreed.

Consequently, the order was given to the troops: “Halt, do not advance further.” The army was then led back, and the enemy dared not press on. Upon retreating to Kusaka-no-tsu, shields were planted, and a triumphant proclamation was made. This led to the renaming of the harbor to Tate-tsu, though it is now called Tade-tsu due to a mispronunciation.

In the initial battle at Kusae, a person concealed beneath a large tree narrowly escaped danger and pointed to the tree, saying, “This favor is like that of a mother.” People then referred to that place as Omomokino-mura, but it is now known as Omonoki, a distorted name.

In the fourth month of the third year, on the ninth day of summer, the army reached Yamaki-no-minato at Chinu. 

At that time, Prince Itsuse suffered severely from an arrow wound. Touching the arrow gently, he declared, “Alas, a Masurao(great man) should not die without avenging an injury from the enemy.” People then named the location Onominato. Continuing into the Kii Province, the army arrived at Mount Kamayama, and Prince Itsuse passed away. He was buried at Kamayama.


神武天皇の治世の3年目、夏の4月の9日、皇軍は軍勢を整え、竜田(たつた)に向った。しかし、その道は狭く険しいもので、人が並んで進むことができませんでした。そのため引き返し、さらに東へと進み、生駒山(いこまやま)を越えて内つ国(中洲 大和)に入ろうとしました。

このとき、長髄彦(ながすねひこ)はその情報を耳にし、「天神(あまつかみ)の子たちがやってくるのは、我が国を奪おうとするためであろう」と言い、全軍を率いて孔舍衛坂(くさえのさか)で戦いました。その戦闘で五瀬命(いつせのみこと 神武天皇の兄)の肱脛(ひじはぎ)に流れ矢が当たり、皇軍は戦闘を進めることができませんでした。

《皇師(ミイクサ)はこれ以上、進軍し戦うことは出来ませんでした。そこで天皇(スメラミコト)は残念に思い、神策(アヤシキハカリゴト=名案)を沖衿(ミココロノウチ=心の中)で廻らし、言いました <Bing AI>》「今回、私は日神(ひのかみ)の子孫であるのに、日に向って敵を討とうとしているのは、天道に逆らっている。そこで、一度撤退して相手を油断させ、天神地祇(てんじんちぎ)をお祀りし、背中に太陽を負って、日神の威光をかりて襲いかかるのがよいだろう。このようにすれば、刃に血を付けずとも、敵はきっと敗れるだろう」と言われた。皆は、「その通りです」と言った。




神武天皇の治世の5月の8日、軍は茅淳(ちぬ 和泉地域の海)の山城水門(やまきのみなと)に着いた。この頃、五瀬命の矢傷がひどく痛む中、命(みこと)は剣を撫でて雄叫喚(おたけび)し、「残念だ。丈夫(ますらお)が賊に傷つけられたのに、それに報いないで死ぬことは」と言われました。当時の人々は、この地を「雄水門(おのみなと)」と呼びました。


令和5年12月13日(水) 2023

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