

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 36

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 36


柯羅倶爾能 基能陪儞陀致底 於譜磨故幡 比例甫囉須母 耶魔等陛武岐底


柯羅倶爾能 基能陪儞陀々志 於譜磨故幡 比禮甫羅須彌喩 那儞婆陛武岐底



At the same time, a man named Tsukino Kishi Ikina (調吉士伊企儺), who had also been taken captive, was a fierce and unyielding man who refused to surrender until the very end. A general from Silla tried to cut him down with a sword. Forcing Ikina to remove his loincloth (褌), the Silla soldiers exposed his buttocks, made him face Japan, and tried to coerce him into shouting loudly, “Japanese general, eat my rear!”

Instead, Ikina shouted out, “King of Silla, eat my rear!” Despite enduring torture, he continued to shout in the same way. Eventually, he was killed.

Ikina’s son, Ojiko (舅子), also died, clutching his father’s corpse. Such was the determination of Ikina’s (伊企儺) words that none could make him yield. The generals lamented his loss. His wife, Obako (大葉子), who had also been taken captive, mournfully sang:

“Standing atop the castle of Karakuni (韓国), Obako waves her long white scarf (領巾ひれ), facing toward Yamato (Japan).”

Upon hearing this, another person responded with a song:

“Standing atop the castle of Karakuni, I see Obako waving her scarf, facing toward Naniwa (難波, present-day Osaka).”

In August, the Emperor sent the general Otomo no Muraji Sadehiko (大伴連 狭手彦), commanding tens of thousands of soldiers, to attack Goguryeo (高麗, Koma). Sadehiko, employing strategies from Baekje (百済), defeated Goguryeo in battle. Their king fled over the walls. Sadehiko entered the palace and took back treasures, including the nanae no orimono no tobari (七織帳, tapestries of seven types of fabric) and a structure called kurogane no ie (鉄屋 the Iron House), and then returned to Japan.

According to another account, the Iron House was on a high tower to the west in Goguryeo (高麗), and the tapestries had been hung inside the inner palace of the King of Goguryeo (高麗王). Sadehiko presented the nanae no orimono no tobari to the Emperor. In addition, he offered two suits of armor, two large swords with gold ornamentation, three bronze bells, two five-colored flags, a 
noblewoman (媛) and her lady-in-waiting, Ata no Ko (吾田子), to Soga no Iname no Sukune (蘇我稲目宿禰), the Minister of the Grand Council (大臣). The Minister welcomed the two women and took them as his wives, placing them in residence at the Karu-no-Magari Palace (軽曲殿).

 Choan Temple (長安寺), though the exact location of this temple is unknown (the Fuso ryakki records that it was Tatsuro Temple in Kurita District, Omi Province).

According to another account, in the eleventh year, Otomo no Sadehiko no Muraji (大伴狭手彦連), along with forces from Baekje, pursued King Yanghang (陽香) of Goguryeo to the fortress of Hisirutsu (比津留都), forcing him into retreat.


そのとき、捕虜となった調吉士伊企儺(つきのきし いきな)という男がいました。彼は非常に強い性格を持ち、最後まで降伏することはありませんでした。新羅(しらぎ)の将軍は剣を抜いて彼を斬ろうとしました。無理やり伊企儺(いきな)に褌(ふんどし)を脱がせ、尻を日本の方に向けさせて、「日本の大将よ、私の尻を食え!」と叫ばせようとしました。しかし、伊企儺は代わりに「新羅の王よ、私の尻を食え!」と叫びました。拷問を受けても、彼は同じように叫び続けました。そしてついに命を落としました。


「韓国(からくに)の城の上に立ち、大葉子は長い白布(ひれ)を振り、やまと(大和 日本)の方を向かって別れを惜しんでいます」。



八月、天皇は大将軍・大伴連 狭手彦(おおとものむらじ さでひこ)を遣わし、数万の兵をもって高麗(こま)を討たせた。狭手彦(さでひこ)は、百済の計を用いて高麗を撃破した。その王は垣を越えて脱出した。狭手彦は勝ちに乗じて宮中に入り、珍宝、七織帳(ななえのおりもののとばり)、鉄屋(くろがねのいえ)を入手して帰った。




令和6年11月9日(土) 2024

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