

ChatGPTの『日本書紀』英訳 欽明天皇 34

『日本書紀』欽明天皇 34




In this month, someone made a slanderous report about Umakai-no-Obito Utayori (馬飼首 歌依). They said, “There’s something strange about the saddlecloth belonging to Utayori’s wife, Au-no-Omi Sanuki (逢臣 讃岐) – it looks exactly like one that the Empress uses.” Utayori was arrested, handed over to the officials, and severely questioned.

Utayori defended himself, swearing, “This is a lie! If it’s true, then let heaven’s punishment fall upon me.” However, the torture was so intense that he eventually collapsed and died. Not long after his death, a sudden fire broke out in the Great Hall (大殿Ootono). The officials captured Utayori’s sons, Moriishi (守石) and Nasei (名瀬水), intending to throw them into the fire as a curse. They recited, “It’s not by our hands that they are thrown in – it is the hands of the hafuri (祝 はふりa kind of priest).”

Moriishi’s mother begged, saying, “If you throw the children into the fire, a calamity from the heavens will surely come upon us. Please, let them serve as hafuribe (祝人) and become kamu-yakko (神奴 slaves who serve the gods).” Her plea was granted, and the children were spared and made into kamu-yakko.

In the autumn, on the first day of the seventh month, Silla sent an emissary with tribute. This envoy knew that Silla had destroyed Mimana, so he felt shame for betraying the Emperor’s grace. He did not dare to return to his homeland and decided to stay, never returning. Treated as if he were an ordinary citizen of Japan, he became the ancestor of the people from Silla (Shiragibito) who currently reside in Uno-no-Sato (鵾野邑,) in Sarara-Kori (更荒郡) in Kawachi Province (河内国) (present-day Shijonawate, Osaka Prefecture).





すると、守石の母は懇願した。「もしこの子供たちを火中に投げ入れれば、天災が起こるでしょう。どうか彼らを祝人(はふりべ)として神奴(かむやっこ 神社に仕える賤民)にしてくださいませ」。母の願いが受け入れられ、二人は許されて神奴とされた。

秋七月の一日、新羅(しらぎ)は使者を遣わし、貢ぎ物を献上した。この使者は、新羅が任那(みまな)を滅ぼしたことを知っており、天皇のご恩を裏切ったことを恥じていたため、あえて帰国を望まず、ついに日本に留まり本国には帰らなかったのである。この使者は日本の民(百姓)と同じように扱われ、現在、河内国(かわちのくに)更荒郡(さららのこおり)鵾野邑(うののさと 大阪府四條畷市)に住む新羅人(しらぎびと)の先祖となった。

令和6年11月8日(金) 2024

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