Live at 「JAZZ・ON TOP」(大阪)
♪Nicole Henry(Vocal)
♪Eddie Higgins(Piano)Trio
※Nicole Henry は私のお友達です!
今年の4月「JAZZ・ON TOP」に出演されたので
”To Yuko Tsukazaki
My singing advice !
Remember you are telling a story that
you want your listeners to relate to ...
so be honest , sincere, expressive .
Refer to the ' feeling of beiong in love ' often .
Make it exciting , sometimes unexpected .
Sing like you're talking to someone .
With love and the best of luck !
Keep singing !!
Nicole "
これからも仲良くして下さいね!!! o(^o^)o
☆Dear my favorite singer , Nicole !
How have you been ?
I hope you're doing very well .
I'm very excited to receive your comment
on my web site !
Thank you so much for your message !
I'm very happy to have you as a friend .
Because I'm a big fan of yours !
How was your Japanese tour in this April ?
I went to New York City this August .
I'm sorry that I didn't see you there .
I'm going to N.Y.C. again next August .
Could I see you in N.Y.C. ,
or do you have a plan to come to Osaka or Kobe ,
Japan again ?
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon .
Shall we keep in touch ?
Your friend ,
Pink fairy , Yuko Tsukazaki ♪
★Ooh- I hope to be back in Osaka in March for support of my 3rd CD!
I hope to see you there! I will certainly email you details!
Nicole ;)
★Hi Yuko!
Wow! Nice 'blog' site!! And thank you for the pictures!
I am very proud of you, seems that you are a very hard
and dedicated worker for your singing craft!
That's a beautiful thing to see.
I can't wait to hear you!
Thanks for keeping in touch!
Nicole ;)
Did you just get back from NYC again?
Yes ! (Yuko)
Nicole Henry
☆Dear Nicole ,
Thank you for your e-mails !
If you know the schedule in details in Osaka , Japan ,
please let us know .
My husband and I will be sure to come there .
I hope I can see you soon again ...
Your friend ,
Yuko Tsukazaki ♪
★Hello Yuko!
How are you?
I hope things are going very well for you.
I will return to Japan in July, 21-26.
I hope I make it to Osaka...I will let you now.
I will have a new CD coming out in May or so...!
I am having a great time recording!
Wishing you great things, Yuko,
Nicole Henry