even of free…

Bing Image Creatorにこち亀の面白シーンを再現してもらう§02

2023年05月24日 04時54分28秒 | こち亀


Place the lens in a large warehouse setting where a fire breaks out. Show a large quantity of corn kernels packed in cardboard boxes being heated by the fire and popping into popcorn, causing the boxes to burst and the popcorn to fly upwards.



Countless 200kg frozen tunas are sliding down the city slope at high speed, colliding with cars and motorcycles, causing destruction.



Depict several giant dinosaur models being transported along a shopping street by powerful winds caused by a typhoon. Show the realistic interactions where cars and people are being thrown away by the force of the moving dinosaur models.



Place the lens in a large warehouse setting where a fire breaks out. Show a large quantity of corn kernels packed in cardboard boxes being heated by the fire and popping into popcorn, causing the boxes to burst and the popcorn to fly upwards.


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