こんにちは!東京都東久留米市にある株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料で インターンに参加させていただいている日本大学生のFです!
9月2日(木)はトリートメントの充填と石けんの製作を体験させ ていただきました。トリートメントの充填はただ容器に入れるので はなく時間をかけてでもお客様に喜んでいただくために丁寧な作業 を行うことが大切であると学びました。石けんの製作では、自分が 思っていた以上に色々なものが含まれていてそれぞれの秤量からた くさんの人と協力しながら行いました。いろいろなトラブルがあり ましたが、最後には成功して型に詰める作業まで終わらせられたの で良かったです。
今日で10日間のうちの半分である5日目が終わりました。もうあ と5日間しかないですがこれからも楽しく活動していきたいです!
Hello! I'm F, a Japanese university student who participates in an internship at Rosa Special Cosmetics Co., Ltd. in Higashikurume, Tokyo! On Thursday, September 2nd, I experienced filling treatments and making soap. I learned that it is important to do careful work to make customers happy, even if it takes time to fill the treatment, not just put it in a container. In the production of soap, there were more things than I had expected, and I worked with many people from each scale. I had a lot of troubles, but I'm glad that I was able to finish the work of filling the mold successfully in the end. Today is the end of the fifth day, which is half of the ten days. I have only 5 days left, but I want to continue to have fun!
Hello! I'm F, a Japanese university student who participates in an internship at Rosa Special Cosmetics Co., Ltd. in Higashikurume, Tokyo! On Thursday, September 2nd, I experienced filling treatments and making soap. I learned that it is important to do careful work to make customers happy, even if it takes time to fill the treatment, not just put it in a container. In the production of soap, there were more things than I had expected, and I worked with many people from each scale. I had a lot of troubles, but I'm glad that I was able to finish the work of filling the mold successfully in the end. Today is the end of the fifth day, which is half of the ten days. I have only 5 days left, but I want to continue to have fun!