東京都東久留米市の世界中を笑顔にするエシカル&保湿エコ化粧品 製造業ローザ特殊化粧料(rosa603special)角屋由華でございます。化粧品製造業のインターン2021夏は、合計32日目を迎えました。学生日誌をご覧ください。エコ化粧品製造業のYouTubeもアップしました。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODbOzaYWcYw
どうもこんにちは、またはこんばんわ。日本大学のMです。本日、 9月7日は石鹸作りを行いました。ただ今回はいつもと違い効率化 に徹することでいつもより短い時間で大量生産を実現出来ました。 具体的には秤量や準備の手分けや攪拌時の羽の大きさ、1回辺りに 製造する量の調整を行いました。しかし、まだまだ改善できるとこ ろもありそうです。残り2日間でどこまでできるか楽しみです!
Hi, I'm M of Nihon University. Today, 7th September, made sope. But this time different from the day before, we have achieved mass production in a shorter time than usual by focusing on efficiency. In particular, we weighed and prepared separately, adjusted the size of the wings during stirring, and adjusted the amount to be manufactured per time. However, it seems that there are still some areas that can be improved. I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can do in the remaining 2 days!
Hi, I'm M of Nihon University. Today, 7th September, made sope. But this time different from the day before, we have achieved mass production in a shorter time than usual by focusing on efficiency. In particular, we weighed and prepared separately, adjusted the size of the wings during stirring, and adjusted the amount to be manufactured per time. However, it seems that there are still some areas that can be improved. I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can do in the remaining 2 days!
