エシカル&エコ化粧品 ブログ



2021-09-09 06:03:00 | 化粧品製造会社のインターン

Hi, I'm M of Nihon University. Today, 7th September, made sope. But this time different from the day before, we have achieved mass production in a shorter time than usual by focusing on efficiency. In particular,  we weighed and prepared separately, adjusted the size of the wings during stirring, and adjusted the amount to be manufactured per time. However, it seems that there are still some areas that can be improved. I'm looking forward to seeing how much I can do in the remaining 2 days!


エシカル&保湿エコ化粧品 株式会社ローザ特殊化粧料

〒203-0042 東京都東久留米市八幡町1-1-12 技術研究所52号

TEL:042-420-1201(皮膚は1番) FAX:042-420-1214(皮膚良よ)