


2021年02月14日 12時58分35秒 | 日記



太陽と地球の距離に 微妙のズレが生じるだけで 地球の生命体に大きな 影響が起こる 絶妙の位置関係を保ちながら 自転と公転をしている 月と地...









連載掲載中!最後の転生~実録自伝人間<蓮友 心>



dacă nu l curăţămもし浄化をしなければ(ルーマニア語)

2021年02月13日 20時33分43秒 | 日記


dacă nu l curăţămもし浄化をしなければ(ルーマニア語)

Cum adică un mesaj din cer? universul este o lume a sute de milioane...




Cum adică un mesaj din cer?

universul este o lume a sute de milioane de ani

iar esenţa vieţii continuă să se reîncarneze

şi să învăţăm şi să ne sprijinim reciproc

legea universului este de a servi ca un rol

oamenii trăiesc cu uitarea asta

Ca să-mi amintească de asta

cerul păstrează informaţiile despre el


dar oamenii pot obţine informaţiile astea pentru ei înşişi

înlocuieşte-o cu lăcomia ta

Grămada dorinţelor umane s-a prăbuşit într-un echilibru al vieţii şi al morţii

Nu putem opri creşterea speciilor pe cale de dispariţie

pământul ţipă

Luna îi susţine pe cei obosiţi

De aceea

Păstrarea mesajelor cereşti

E absolut vital.

singurul sută la sută din încrederea lumii este că este un rol

cel care continuă să joace

a fost ultima reîncarnare din această lume

hasutomo Cocoro este aici

îşi riscă viaţa şi va juca ultima parte a acestei lumi



無条件の波動333 ~愛の波動を感じて~

2021年02月12日 08時24分52秒 | 日記



~人間の権利・義務~ 行使しても、 行使しなくても いいのが ~権利~ 必ず実行せねば ならないのが ~義務~ 人間の権利 ~感謝する...












連載掲載中!最後の転生~実録自伝人間<蓮友 心>



About the sixth chakra第六チャクラについて(英語)

2021年02月11日 14時30分23秒 | 日記


About the sixth chakra第六チャクラについて(英語)

What do you mean, a message from the sky? the universe is a world of...



What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death

We can't stop the increase of endangered species

the earth is screaming

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital.

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role.

the one that keeps playing.

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death.

We can't stop the increase of endangered species.

the earth is screaming.

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role

the one that keeps playing

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world




About the fifth chakra第五チャクラについて(英語)

2021年02月11日 13時07分27秒 | 日記


About the fifth chakra第五チャクラについて(英語)

What do you mean, a message from the sky? the universe is a world of...



What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death

We can't stop the increase of endangered species

the earth is screaming

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital.

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role.

the one that keeps playing.

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death.

We can't stop the increase of endangered species.

the earth is screaming.

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role

the one that keeps playing

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


about the fourth chakra第4チャクラについて(英語)

2021年02月11日 08時02分13秒 | 日記


about the fourth chakra第4チャクラについて(英語)

What do you mean, a message from the sky? the universe is a world of...



What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death

We can't stop the increase of endangered species

the earth is screaming

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital.

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role.

the one that keeps playing.

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death.

We can't stop the increase of endangered species.

the earth is screaming.

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role

the one that keeps playing

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world



About the third chakra第三チャクラについて(英語)

2021年02月11日 06時47分01秒 | 日記


About the third chakra第三チャクラについて(英語)

What do you mean, a message from the sky? the universe is a world of...




What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death

We can't stop the increase of endangered species

the earth is screaming

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital.

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role.

the one that keeps playing.

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death.

We can't stop the increase of endangered species.

the earth is screaming.

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role

the one that keeps playing

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


About the second chakra第二チャクラについて(英語)

2021年02月11日 06時04分18秒 | 日記


About the second chakra第二チャクラについて(英語)

What do you mean, a message from the sky? the universe is a world of...



What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death

We can't stop the increase of endangered species

the earth is screaming

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital.

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role.

the one that keeps playing.

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death.

We can't stop the increase of endangered species.

the earth is screaming.

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role

the one that keeps playing

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world


About the first chakra第一チャクラ(英語)

2021年02月11日 04時17分47秒 | 日記


About the first chakra第一チャクラ(英語)

What do you mean, a message from the sky? the universe is a world of...




What do you mean, a message from the sky?

the universe is a world of hundreds of millions of years

and the essence of life continues to reincarnate

and learn and support each other

the law of the universe is to serve as a role

humans live with forgetting it

To remind me of that

heaven keeps the information on it


but people can get that information for themselves

replace it with your own greed

The pile of human desires collapsed in a balance of life and death

We can't stop the increase of endangered species

the earth is screaming

The moon supports the weary

That's why

Keeping the heavenly messages

it's absolutely vital.

The only one hundred percent of the world's trust is that it's a role.

the one that keeps playing.

it was the last reincarnation in this world

Hasutomo Cocoro is here

He risks his life and will play the last part of this world



o té nemoci病気について(コロナ禍の中で)

2021年02月10日 09時04分30秒 | 日記


o té nemoci病気について(コロナ禍の中で)

Co tím myslíš, vzkaz z nebe? vesmír je svět stovek milionů let a po...




Co tím myslíš, vzkaz z nebe?

vesmír je svět stovek milionů let

a podstata života se stále reinkarnuje

a naučte se a podporujte se

zákon vesmíru je sloužit jako role

lidé žijí s zapomínáním

Aby mi to připomněl

nebe o tom má informace


ale lidé si ty informace mohou získat sami

nahraď to svou vlastní chamtivostí

Hromada lidských touh se zhroutila v rovnováze života a smrti

Nemůžeme zastavit nárůst ohrožených druhů

země křičí

Měsíc podporuje unavené


Nechávám si nebeské zprávy

Je to naprosto zásadní.

jediné sto procent světové důvěry je, že je to role

ten, co pořád hraje

byla to poslední reinkarnace na světě

hasutomo Cocoro je tady

riskuje život a bude hrát poslední část tohoto světa