"English Language","Japanese Mean","WriterName","NationAttribute","Date Days","Chapter","Address"
"Somehow I thought it would be better to do it that way","何となくその様にした方が良いと思った",,,,,
"I don't get excited about something else","何か其れってワクワクしてこない",,,,,
"inspiration and excitement","ひらめきとときめき",,,,,
"I believe in that possibility","きっとその可能性を信じているよ",,,,,
"I've been thinking for a long time","ずっと前から思っていたんだ",,,,,
"good luck","良くってよ",,,,,
"that's a good reason","それで良い理由",,,,,
"i can't do that","そんなことできないよ",,,,,
"Impressed wonderful","感動した素晴らしい",,,,,
"I stood up thinking","思って立ち上がった",,,,,
"don't follow me","ついて来ないで",,,,,
"go away","あっちいってよ",,,,,
"Who are you","君は誰",,,,,
"When I inquire","問い合わせてみると",,,,,
"I'm sure it's important","きっと其れは大切なんだね",,,,,
"It could have been a little better","ちょこっと良かったかもね",,,,,
"I'm waiting for how long","何時までも期待しているよ",,,,,
"Is there any guarantee that it will succeed?","それは成功する保証があるんですかね",,,,,
"I don't think so","そんな事無いとは思いますが",,,,,
"did you win","勝てましたか",,,,,
"I'm on track","調子に乗っている",,,,,
"I won't send you","貴方に遣らせない",,,,,
"it's sad","其れって切ない",,,,,
"This theory holds","この理論は成立するのである",,,,,
"I didn't win","勝てなかったのであった",,,,,
"After all it is impossible","やっぱりあり得ませんよ",,,,,
"Is that true?","やはりそうでしたか、察した通りです",,,,,
"It's better to do that because it's a big deal","兎に角折角ですからそうした方が良いです",,,,,
"English Language","Japanese Mean","WriterName","NationAttribute","Date Days","Chapter","Address"
"Somehow I thought it would be better to do it that way","何となくその様にした方が良いと思った",,,,,
"I don't get excited about something else","何か其れってワクワクしてこない",,,,,
"inspiration and excitement","ひらめきとときめき",,,,,
"I believe in that possibility","きっとその可能性を信じているよ",,,,,
"I've been thinking for a long time","ずっと前から思っていたんだ",,,,,
"good luck","良くってよ",,,,,
"that's a good reason","それで良い理由",,,,,
"i can't do that","そんなことできないよ",,,,,
"Impressed wonderful","感動した素晴らしい",,,,,
"I stood up thinking","思って立ち上がった",,,,,
"don't follow me","ついて来ないで",,,,,
"go away","あっちいってよ",,,,,
"Who are you","君は誰",,,,,
"When I inquire","問い合わせてみると",,,,,
"I'm sure it's important","きっと其れは大切なんだね",,,,,
"It could have been a little better","ちょこっと良かったかもね",,,,,
"I'm waiting for how long","何時までも期待しているよ",,,,,
"Is there any guarantee that it will succeed?","それは成功する保証があるんですかね",,,,,
"I don't think so","そんな事無いとは思いますが",,,,,
"did you win","勝てましたか",,,,,
"I'm on track","調子に乗っている",,,,,
"I won't send you","貴方に遣らせない",,,,,
"it's sad","其れって切ない",,,,,
"This theory holds","この理論は成立するのである",,,,,
"I didn't win","勝てなかったのであった",,,,,
"After all it is impossible","やっぱりあり得ませんよ",,,,,
"Is that true?","やはりそうでしたか、察した通りです",,,,,
"It's better to do that because it's a big deal","兎に角折角ですからそうした方が良いです",,,,,