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Saturated water generating device PAT.P(飽和水生成装置)

2024年11月07日 21時01分33秒 | エアーレーション

Saturated water generating device(飽和水生成装置 PAT.P)

F.BT-50 (liquid bubble generator) operating behavior and saturated water generating device operating behavior. A thin liquid film is formed in both.
When wastewater from a sewage treatment plant with DO 0 mg/L and a water temperature of 30°C or higher is passed through the saturated water generator in one pass, the DO rises to 6.3 mg/L with air components alone.
   Click  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhYlbvOAYSA

When this saturated water generating device is placed in a pressure vessel and operated, it is easy to generate saturated water according to the pressure inside the vessel.
Therefore, it is also possible to generate dissolved oxygen water with DO 30 mg/L or more with air components alone.
   Click  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXLpOzNJhyU


   Click  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhYlbvOAYSA

   Click  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXLpOzNJhyU

From fishing that harvests fish from the ocean to fishing that cultivates fish ❣ (世界は捕る漁業から育てる漁業へ)


Click  https://smart.rexind.co.jp/
Click  https://www.tn-sanso.co.jp/gasequip/products/detail.html?pdid=157

※The next oxygen supply device will be a Saturated water generating device

A saturated water generating device was placed and operated at a depth of 30m below the dam lake surface.

The dissolved oxygen meter showed a reading of 31.26 mg/L for air components alone.

Professor Yajima,  National Shimane University


Click   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2N25ByJcpvo&t=22s



A saturated water generator was placed in the surface waters of a public wastewater treatment plant and put into operation. The dissolved oxygen level was able to be raised from DO 0.2-0.3 mg/L to around DO 6.0 in a single pass.

The amount of dissolved oxygen was measured in two places. One was where the treated water came out of the saturated water generator, and the other was where the treated water was pumped up to the ground and measured in a bucket.

Professor Imai, National Yamaguchi University 

Click   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCkcKnzeLaE&t=177s






In addition, if a submersible type saturated water generator is placed at the bottom of a sewage treatment tank 3m deep, the amount of dissolved oxygen will rise to DO8mg/L or more.


Click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_vk1ZWm5Y4

Submersible aerator in USA  Click on the URL below

Click  https://search.yahoo.co.jp/image/search?rkf=2&ei=UTF-8&gdr=1&fr=wsr_gs&p=Image%20%20Submersible%20aerator%20in%20USA


Videos from the past


Three types : Degassed water :  Saturated water :  Supersaturated water

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