

Universal Frontier Theory --in short--UFT(5)

2013年10月11日 | Weblog
《section5》Calculation of the Higgs boson and universe boson

Yukawa as Japanese found two laws formerly, for one thing that big energy can appear as a virtual particle from an uncertainty principle of Heisenberg at extremely short time, and it wouldn't mean to break the law of the conservation of energy. In his thought the π meson is usable as the cause of the nuclear force.
So W boson appears as a virtual particle from the b or anti b quark, when I watch an illustration of penguin diagram, in case of the B meson spontaneous CP symmetry breaking experiment with the Kobayashi = Masukawa model. Yukawa thought such a thing to be a debt from God in his π meson theory. I know the amount of debt from God in the penguin process is calculated to subtract mass energy of the b or anti b quark from mass energy of W boson.

In this case the amount of debt from God is 80.2 - 4.2 = 76.0 (Gev).

In the range of the meson theory of Yukawa, the law of the conservation of energy is established at a level of Yukawa exactly on his meson theory. But in the penguin process of the Kobayashi = Masukawa model, when only 76.0Gev offered a debt from God, t or anti t quark appeared with mass energy 172.0Gev, that is extreme larger than 76.0Gev of scheduled debt from God. By spontaneous CP symmetry breaking experiment, t or anti t quark is the subject that appeared, the law of the conservation of energy is only the theory that has abandoned in the range of Kobayashi = Masukawa model basically. In addition, mass is exactly equal with a particle and the antiparticle to be very well known.

It is easy to let the law of the conservation of energy established, if universe boson appears in substitution for W boson in UFM.

The universe boson is heavier than the weight that let you add t quark and b quark, and it comes to b or anti b quark from the future as a virtual particle and it changes b or anti b quark into anti t or t quark.

This is the Tolly = penguin process that UFM is proud of to the world.

As for me and the Tolly = penguin diagram, the virtual particle in this case to be able to put thinks even t or anti t quark to be so, as well as universe boson. W boson appears from t or anti t quark jumped up from anti b or b quark with the Universe boson and collapse to others. Typically it will be broken as a golden phenomenon in J/Ψ and Ks from neutral B meson. In this case W boson should be too heavy too. And I suppose that universe boson and t or anti t quark are one set of a gift from god. The former goes against time, and the latter performs direct motion of time. I considered the right side of the uncertainty principle and the relations of the spin independently and gave a essential conclusion. Possibly the prime cause of the uncertainness is a spin. I put both together and think of a gift from god as total spin 1/2 and debt from god as mass energy 38.0Gev (because it is exactly equal 76.0/2). It's very exactly beautiful like economics.

ΔEΔt≒h/2π at total spin 1  and   ΔEΔt≒h/4π at total spin 1/2

[Universe boson] - [anti t or t quark] - [b or anti b quark] = (76.0/2 = )38.0

[Universe boson] - 172.0 - 4.2 = 38.0

∴[Universe boson] = 214.2(Gev)

The mass of the first elementary particle foretold in this way by UFM was calculated. These reactions are to be generated only in a hadron, and the universe boson collapses outside the hadron, and it is to Z boson and a Higgs boson. That's why the mass of the Higgs boson was calculated with 123.0Gev by the following calculation.

[Higgs boson] = [Universe boson] - [Z boson] = 214.2 - 91.2 = 123.0(Gev)

This value is half of the flat of the vacuum expectation in the Weinberg = Salam theory.In addition, this calculation synchronized appearance time of the W boson with the Kobayashi = Masukawa model and the appearance time of the universe boson by this universal frontier theory. I want to name the appearance time of the virtual particle of the kind Yukawa time, as Δt of the Uncertainty principle of Heisenberg.

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