

英文で論文を書こう(9) as this paper of Universal Frontier Theory --in short--UFT

2013年10月04日 | Weblog
That's why the mass of the Higgs boson was calculated with 123.0Gev by the following calculation.


[Higgs boson] = [Universe] - [Z boson] = 214.2 - 91.2 = 123.0(Gev)

This value is half of the flat of the vacuum expectation in the Weinberg = Salam theory.In addition, this calculation synchronized appearance time of the W boson with the Kobayashi = Masukawa model and the appearance time of the universe particle by this universal frontier theory.


I want to name the appearance time of the virtual particle of the kind Yukawa time, as Δt of the Uncertainty principle of Heisenberg.


《an abstract》

This paper is the thing which I devised, as a result, Grand Unified Theory was wrong. I made it while respecting an electric weak unification theory while considering meson theory by Yukawa and Han = Nambu model. I deny existence about grand unified interaction and electric weak unified interaction. The space arises from complete "nothing" and it receive a hypercharge with Big Bang and, after the digital inflation process, change into the material space of the Universe.


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「統合」は「創造」ではなくても「発見」だw) (buturikyouiku)
2013-10-04 13:14:01
Integration is not a Creation, but some kind of, I hope so, a great Discovery. I hope that is so!


