


2015年07月12日 | 究極理論
I use an original way of thinking about vacuum shake and spin in this way.


The amount of a vacuum shake is equal to the right side of the uncertainty principle. It is h/4π at present, but, as for me, as for it, in the case of 1/2, the total spin of virtual particles, it is so, I think. But in the case of 1, it is h/2π, I think. In the penguin process of Kobayashi = Masukawa model h/2π is right. But in the Tolly = penguin process of UFM h/4π is right and the debt to God is considered to be 1/2(=40.2Gev) exactly.


ΔEΔt=h/2π at total spin 1  and   ΔEΔt=h/4π at total spin 1/2 (equations of the vacuum shake)

[universe boson material] - [anti-t quark] - [b quark] = 40.2

[universe boson material] - 172.0 - 4.2 = 40.2

∴[universe boson material] = 216.4(Gev)

The mass of a first elementary particle foretold in this way by UFM was calculated. These reactions are to be generated only in a hadron, and outside the hadron a universe-boson-material is rotted in a Z boson and a Higgs boson.


universe-boson-material → t quark + b quark (in a hadron)

       → Z boson + Higgs boson (in outer space)

That's why mass of a Higgs boson was calculated with 125.2Gev by the following calculation.


[Higgs boson] = [universe boson material] - [Z boson] = 216.4 - 91.2 = 125.2(Gev)

In addition, this calculation synchronized an appearance time of W boson with Kobayashi = Masukawa model and an appearance time of a universe-boson-material by UFM.


(注 この結果はbクォーク質量がもし4.7だった場合には125.7になります)

I want to name an appearance time of the virtual particle of this kind Yukawa time, as Δt of vacuum shake.


《an abstract》

This paper is the thing which I devised, as a result, Grand Unified Theory was wrong. I made it while respecting electric weak unification theory while considering meson theory by Yukawa and Han = Nambu model. I deny existence about grand unified interaction and electric weak unified interaction. Space of the universe arises from complete "nothing" and it receive a hypercharge with Big Bang and, after the digital inflation process, change into the material space of the Universe.


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