English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver.

British Christmas dinner

2024-12-22 16:57:43 | Reading - local/society
It's already been Yuletide. I kept the article in the reading list a week ago.
It's easy to understand, but a lot of English expressions in it.

Christmas dinner set to cost less this year

checkout - at the supermarket checkout
lb - pronounce 'pound' < Latin 'libra'
digging deeper < dig deep
tot up (British)
all the trimmings < trimming
tighten their belts < tighten your belt
whopping - a whopping 26% increase
lift [Collins]If you lift root vegetables or bulbs, you dig them out of the ground.
perishable - accent
yellow sticker
meat joint

It's good to know
[quote] noting that supermarkets usually fight for customers with cut price "potatoes, carrots, parsnips, Brussels spouts".[unquote]
This is also good to know
[quote]While loss-leaders are good for shoppers, Mr Futter stressed these below-cost prices "don't show the true cost to the farmer" and can generate a lot of food waste. "People think that food is cheap to produce - that's not true."[unquote]
I didn't know that butter and cheddar can freeze to stock up.
[quote]Use your freezer: Christmas foods that freeze well include butter, meat joints and some cheeses like cheddar.[unquote]

I didn't know that there was a turkey farm near Slough. Turkey sounds American. I prefer roast beef and vegetables for Christmas.
I don't like 'Christmas essentials' which described in the article. I don't like turkey, pigs in blankets, sage and onion stuffing and mince pie...especially supermarkets' packaged one...yuck.

I was totally stunned by the sage and onion stuffing sandwich... it's traditional British food, indeed.

statistically significant

2024-12-22 12:07:08 | Reading - local/society
It's quite remarkable that there is a distinct statistical significance between poor and wealthy boroughs in the capital, not only in England.

London’s shocking ‘health expectancy’ gap revealed: People in wealthier boroughs live extra decade 'in good health'

deteriorate - remember!!
impediment - remember!!
socio-economic / socioeconomic [Cambridge]related to the differences between groups of people caused mainly by their financial situation
turn the ship around

Office for National Statistics (ONS)
Healthy life expectancy (HLE)
The King’s Fund

This is the source of the article.
Healthy life expectancy in England and Wales: between 2011 to 2013 and 2021 to 2023

Ed Miliband's energy plan

2024-12-22 01:12:01 | Reading - politics/gossip
I couldn't complete this posting last week. I didn't have time to search about energy words.

Ed Miliband pledges ‘most ambitious reforms to UK energy system in generations’

canopy - canopies of solar panels
press ahead with
wean [Collins]If you wean someone off a habit or something they like, you gradually make them stop doing it or liking it, especially when you think is bad for them.
[quote] Ministers want to wean the country off its dependence on fossil fuels. - I'm still trying to wean myself off web surfing
lay bare [Collins]to reveal or explain
first come, first served - managed on a “first come, first served” basis
sluggish < slug
treble x3 - double x2

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero
Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP)
The East Coast Cluster - Teesside
carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Ørsted - Hornsea
Neso/NESO - National Energy System Operator

[quote]The plans come as low wind and solar power generation forced Britain to rely heavily on burning gas and wood pellets. As of Thursday, about 65% of Britain’s electricity was being generated from gas and biomass, with only 5.3% coming from wind.[unquote]
I didn't know biomass causes carbon emissions. I saw wind wheels everywhere in the countryside in the UK, but it's only 5.3%.

He appeared on Today to explain about the energy plan. It's been a while to hear his voice on the radio.
Nick Robinson's question about Ed's past statement on Syria was a bit of a straw man.

Ed Miliband defends blocking UK military action against Assad