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keep one's powder dry/barnstorming

2021-09-23 23:40:19 | Reading - not classified

Angela Merkel: Four expert verdicts on a contested legacy

That's not the sort of thing that is barnstorming. But in her own sort of way, she has staged a bit of a revolution in German politics and world politics generally.

There is, of course, the simple fact that she was the country's first female chancellor. I'm sure her pragmatic, quasi-presidential style of governing will serve as a role model for her successor, whoever it may be.

The second moment was her response to the Trump years. She kept the powder dry for liberal internationalism. Former US President Barack Obama actually convinced her to run for a fourth term.

[後日追加]liberal internationalismについての理解が足りていなかったです。引用の前後を読むとわかってきますが、EURO圏とかのような考え方みたいですかね。ヒラリーとオバマが牽引していたようですが(ブレアも)。そうするとkeep the poweder dry というのはforなんですね。読解力がまだまだ。

トランプに対しては常に警戒してましたね。Tracy UllmanのMarkelを思い出しました。

Angela Merkel Skypes Donald Trump

上記BBCの記事でも笑顔のMrs Merkel developed a close relationship with France's President Emmanuel Macronの写真がありましたが。
Angela Merkel Meets Emmanuel Macron

Angela Merkel Can't Stop Rolling Her Eyes

ついでにドッペルゲンガーNicola Sturgeon。Glasgow kiss...


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