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quintessentially English

2024-09-23 12:59:29 | Reading - local
This article reminds me of the Alice in Wonderland. It's a bit silly way of cricketing.

Cricket match in the sea celebrates 40th year

[quote]The annual match is played on Bramble Bank, a triangular sandbar in the middle of the Solent, which is only revealed at low tides.[unquote]
[quote]The match ends when the tide starts to come in and the pitch disappears under the sea.[unquote]

the Solent - strait
ocean liner QE2 - Queen Elizabeth 2

I don't understand the terms and the rule of cricket, but this cricket game sounds fun.

[Wikipedia]The Brambles cricket match has been described as "quintessentially English" and has even drawn the attention of a House of Commons Standing Committee, when it was mentioned as a light-hearted example of an event which falls geographically between the boundaries of two different licensing authorities.

quintessentially [Cambridge]in a way that is the most typical example or most important part of something:
quintessential [Cambridge]being the most typical example or most important part of something
quintessence [Collins] The quintessence of something is the most perfect or typical example of it.

light-hearted [Collins] (British)Someone who is light-hearted is cheerful and happy.

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