English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.


2024-08-31 22:38:12 | Reading - local
I was misled to be under the impression that the article is about a famous pub to be re-open, but it's a bit complicated.

West London pub frequented by The Clash and Blur approved to re-open

It's confusing because too many parties have been involved.
This article is a copy of an article of the Mail. It's a sort of gossip mentions names of celebrities, but it's also referring a meeting minutes.

[quote](summary) A West London pub [..]has been granted permission to open, though only once further key documentation is submitted[unquote]
[quote]In its application for the site, approved by Kensington and Chelsea Council earlier this month[unquote]
[quote]The submission however received three objections raising concerns about the proposal[unquote]
[quote]The Licensing Sub-Committee resolved to grant the requested opening hours[unquote]
[quote]A series of conditions were imposed, including that the pub cannot open until an acoustic report has been submitted[..]as well as a dispersal and external management plan[unquote]
[quote]meetings must be held at a minimum once a year between the premises licence holder, local ward councillors and the SQWNF[unquote]
[quote]Chair of SQWNF, told the committee that while there was just one representation from the group calling for the proposal to either be refused or deferred, this was backed by 51 of its members.[unquote]
[quote]LDRS also reported how the only person to support the recent proposal appeared to be a Wentworth Andersen employee[unquote]

raft [Collins]A raft of people or things is a lot of them [quote]launched a campaign to keep it open following a raft of noise complaints
revoke [quote]The pub had its licence revoked in 2020
take effect [Collins]You can say that something takes effect when it starts to produce the results that are intended.
both on and off the premises
acoustic [Collins]If you refer to the acoustics or the acoustic of a space, you are referring to the structural features which determine how well you can hear music or speech in it.
dispersal [Collins]The dispersal of a crowd involves splitting it up and making the people leave in different directions.
call for

Kirstie Allsopp
Rachel Johnson
Amber Anderson

I realise that pubs are hubs of communities.

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