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Who moved my cheese?

2024-11-05 11:38:44 | Reading - local/society
Ah. The thief had been arrested. But it's still uncertain of the background of the crime and the location of the cheeses.

Man arrested over theft of 22 tonnes of cheese from Neal’s Yard Dairy

false representation [Cambridge]the crime of giving false information to someone, especially in order to make money
wheels of cheddar - cheese wheel
spirit [Collins] (verb) If someone or something is spirited away, or if they are spirited out of somewhere, they are taken from a place quickly and secretly without anyone noticing.
I don't understand why Spirited Away (film) is popular. That was just rubbish and a waste of time. I've stopped watching Ghibll since the movie.
lorryload / lorry load / lorry-load [quote]lorryloads of posh cheese being sold for cheap[unquote]
real shame
wrong’un [Collins](informal) a dishonest or unscrupulous person

I totally agree with Jamie Oliver. It's a real shame. I really hate sharing expensive fine wines, cheeses or foods with people who don't understand the value of them.
I'm willing to pay for quality cheddars at Neal's Yard.

I recalled the title of a self-help book Who Moved My Cheese?(チーズはどこへ消えた?). I had read it, but I don't remember anything about it. It's because of the nature of self-help books.
They are rubbish and a waste of time and money, like as Spirited Away.

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