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2024-08-23 02:59:53 | Reading - local
The victims who are attacked by aggressive dogs are not only women, old or children, but also male owners of dogs. A 33 years old man and a 53 years old man were recent victims.

Police hunt two American bulldog-type dogs after Birmingham man’s death

on the loose [quote]a number of dogs were on the loose
postmortem [quote]A postmortem is a medical examination of a dead person's body in order to find out how they died.
contribute [Collins]If something contributes to an event or situation, it is one of the causes of it. [quote]it was believed he had been attacked by at least one dog, which may have contributed to his death.
scour [quote]and are using our drone capability to scour the wider area.
markings [quote]a brown dog with white markings

Two dogs haven't been seized yet... Scary...

[quote] If it is confirmed that the dogs caused the man’s death, it would be the seventh fatality from a dog attack in the UK this year.[unquote]

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