English for apes

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2024-08-23 13:06:48 | Reading - world
It's not only Taylor who has cancelled a gig.

New Order cancel gig amid weather warning

ground [quote]cancelled on "health and safety grounds" [Collins]If something is grounds for a feeling or action, it is a reason for it. If you do something on the grounds of a particular thing, that thing is the reason for your action.
in due course [quote]There will be an official statement in due course regarding tickets [Collins]If you say that something will happen or take place in due course, you mean that you cannot make it happen any quicker and it will happen when the time is right for it.
gutted [British, informal] [quote]the band was gutted about the cancellation
set back [quote]Setting back all the work that had to start in the early hours
gust [Collins]A gust is a short, strong, sudden rush of wind

New Order has five members now. I recognise three of them. I don't want to see New Order without Peter Hook.

[quote]I'm very disappointed, but life's too short to be angry about these things.[unquote]
Poor he.

I was cancelled by Greta last year. I was disappointed, even I'm not a big fun of Greta. I had been excited to get a competitive ticket.
I found the reason of the cancellation by the article later.

Greta Thunberg pulls out of Edinburgh Book Festival over 'greenwashing'

She is too strict.

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