English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver.

Boris Jonson's fiction

2025-01-21 23:09:44 | Reading - politics/gossip
I saw 'the crowd' who supports Trump with great enthusiasm. It was like a cult church.
Tech billionaires were shared the enthusiasm which was created by technical approaches based on crowd psychology.
They may realise the power of social media which Populists talk fantasies which crowds want to hear.

This populist also told many fantasies when he was PM.

Work on some of Boris Johnson’s ‘40 new hospitals’ will not start until 2039

disrepair [Collins] the condition of being worn out or in poor working order; a condition requiring repairs
in/into disrepair
plague [Collins]If you are plagued by unpleasant things, they continually cause you a lot of trouble or suffering
[quote] Wave one projects will begin between 2025 and 2030 and will comprise seven hospitals
[quote] Labour will put £15bn into each of the three future waves, comprising an average of £3bn a year

[quote] Now this government uses the day of Trump’s inauguration in a shoddy attempt to bury bad news, showing an outrageous disregard for patients.[unquote]

We should find important news which is buried by big news.

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