English for apes

Sleep on firewood. Lick bitter liver. Expose test results.

[U2] Use of English1

2023-01-15 17:30:36 | Workbook
[..] Clearly, they must be fascinating people.

Some of their followers are pretty unresponsive; in fact, they don't seem remotely interested in any of the contributions made by the person they're following.
respond > response > responsive > unresponsive

And that's a real giveaway: these followers don't exist.

They've been added to the person's account by companies selling fake followers to anyone hoping to boost their reputation.

An apparently high number of followers like this gives the very misleading impression that the person has some social influence.

However, people such as artists or aspiring musicians who are less concerned about this might still not find the idea unappealing.

Having thousands of followers could possibly lead to offers of work and enhance their image as a desirable commodity.

Although it's not illegal to sell followers, and it can be an effective marketing tool, somehow it feels wrong.

[..] So why bother?

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