This is considerably valuable article.
[quote]According to fraud experts, one fifth of all wine currently circulating the globe is fake.[unquote]
[quote]China is reportedly at the centre of a $3billion (£2.2bn) worldwide scam.[unquote]
Fake vintage wine floods London as police in France and Italy raid £1.67m fraud gang
fraud words
pass off [Collins]to be or cause to be accepted or circulated in a false character or identity
tamper [Collins]If someone tampers with something, they interfere with it or try to change it when they have no right to do so.
infringe [Collins]If someone infringes a law or a rule, they break it or do something which disobeys it.
adulteration < adulterate
zero tolerance zone - zero tolerance + tolerance zone
wine words
Liv-ex - London International Vintners Exchange - Liv-ex Fine Wine 1000
punt - Does a wine bottle punt mean better quality?
sediment [Collins]Sediment is solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid
What Is the Meaning Behind Wine Bottle Capsules?
[quote]We would always advise people to do their research, look for inconsistencies in the bottle and buy from a trusted source.[unquote]
I don't buy wines at chain wine shops (off-licence) , such as Majestic (Oddbins's gone), Enoteca, Vinos Yamazaki.
Yamaya, Kakuyasu or supermarkets are out of the question. I even don't trust Kinokuniya, Meijiya or department stores.
I only buy wines at small serious wine shops which I can make relationships with the owners who tastes wines by themselves.
I've been very careful choosing restaurants and bars, but I have to be more cautious.
[quote]According to fraud experts, one fifth of all wine currently circulating the globe is fake.[unquote]
[quote]China is reportedly at the centre of a $3billion (£2.2bn) worldwide scam.[unquote]
Fake vintage wine floods London as police in France and Italy raid £1.67m fraud gang
fraud words
pass off [Collins]to be or cause to be accepted or circulated in a false character or identity
tamper [Collins]If someone tampers with something, they interfere with it or try to change it when they have no right to do so.
infringe [Collins]If someone infringes a law or a rule, they break it or do something which disobeys it.
adulteration < adulterate
zero tolerance zone - zero tolerance + tolerance zone
wine words
Liv-ex - London International Vintners Exchange - Liv-ex Fine Wine 1000
punt - Does a wine bottle punt mean better quality?
sediment [Collins]Sediment is solid material that settles at the bottom of a liquid
What Is the Meaning Behind Wine Bottle Capsules?
[quote]We would always advise people to do their research, look for inconsistencies in the bottle and buy from a trusted source.[unquote]
I don't buy wines at chain wine shops (off-licence) , such as Majestic (Oddbins's gone), Enoteca, Vinos Yamazaki.
Yamaya, Kakuyasu or supermarkets are out of the question. I even don't trust Kinokuniya, Meijiya or department stores.
I only buy wines at small serious wine shops which I can make relationships with the owners who tastes wines by themselves.
I've been very careful choosing restaurants and bars, but I have to be more cautious.