Kent Shiraishi Photo Blog


Akira Takaue also plagiarized the work of world-renowned American photojournalist Steve McCurry!

2022年11月27日 | English
Plagiarized photographer Akira Takaue also plagiarized the work of world-renowned American photojournalist Steve McCurry. Unbelievable!
★Apology for famous photographer “Pakuri suspicion” Unauthorized processing of overseas works, showing on SNS … Denial of plagiarism “I left it to others”
盗用写真家 Akira Takaue(アキラタカウエ)氏は、アメリカの世界的な報道写真家スティーブ・マッカリー氏の作品も盗用していた。


Akira Takaue also plagiarized a photo of Steve McCurry, a world-renowned American photojournalist whose photo of an "Afghan girl" was featured on the cover of National Geographic magazine. Unbelievable!

僕の大好きな「アフガンの少女」の写真でナショナル・ジオグラフィック誌の表紙を飾った、アメリカの世界的報道写真家Steve McCurry(スティーブ・マッカリー)氏の写真(コルカタの街並み)まで盗用!信じられません!

As you can see, not only is it not an unauthorized reproduction, but he went to the trouble of reversing it left to right, changing the colors, and plagiarizing it as his own work. What is he going to do if Mr. "Steve McCurry" sues him?


Steve McCurry's work is placed in a discreet position on the fourth sheet. Moreover, we know that all of his other works are plagiarized. Many of his overseas landscape photographs appear to be plagiarized. Also, his photographs of buildings (architecture), which is supposed to be his specialty, are also plagiarized. Furthermore, look at the date. It says December 30, 2019. In other words, they have been stealing daily for 3 years.
If he has been routinely repeating this kind of plagiarism for more than three years, then it is very likely that the advertising photos he has provided for his work and the artwork he has sold are also plagiarized. This is because people who do this kind of thing are just like shoplifters, who have a habit of repeating the same thing anytime, anywhere. If you have bought this person's work, or if you have hired this person to do work for you, please check to see if there is any plagiarism. It is easy to find out now. And, I am sorry to hear that such a man was even a judge for an international photo contest...I feel sorry for everyone involved. This is unprecedented.

I will never forgive this man, Akira Takaue, for defaming Steve McCurry's copyright and honor! Japanese people are too soft on plagiarized photographers. I think so. He should be erased from the world of photography. Don't lick the picture! You asshole! I want to shout that.

When you see his photo or name on the world's photo sites in the future, please remember that he is Akira Takaue, a plagiarized photographer.

As a fellow Japanese, I feel very embarrassed. I would like to share it with the world. At the same time, it is kept as a record. Please share, everyone.
Kent Shiraishi

◉ P.S.
★"World Champion of Plagiarized Photographers!" Confirmed!
This is the number of photos we have pasted from his plagiarism alone that we have now identified. Amazing! I would like to inform the victims of plagiarism, but it's impossible because it's all over the world. This is an unprecedented case.

All of the photos posted here, on the left side, were taken by someone else in the world. The right side is a photo that was plagiarized or stolen.

Further P.S.
December.6. We have confirmed that all the articles about the plagiarized photographers on Nikon's website have been removed, thanks to the direct and indirect messages sent by all Nikon lovers. I am sure that the voices of our users were heard loud and clear.

Steve McCurry氏の作品は4枚目の目立たない位置に配置しています。しかも他の作品も全部盗用だと分かっています。彼の海外での風景写真、その多数が盗用の様です。また彼の得意分野であるはずの建造物写真(アーキテクチャ)も盗用がある様です。さらに日付を見て下さい。2019年12月30日と書かれています。つまり3年前から日々盗用していたのです。

スティーブ・マッカリー氏の著作権や名誉まで汚したこの男、Akira Takaueを僕は絶対に許しません!日本人は盗用写真家に甘過ぎる。世界の写真界から彼を抹消すべきです。僕はそう思っています。


今後世界中の写真サイトで彼の写真や名前を見かけたら、盗用写真家 Akira Takaueであることを思い出してください。




Kent Shiraishi is a Photo Producer and SAMURAI Photographer.
When it comes to art and design, the hottest thing out of chilly Hokkaido is photographer Kent Shiraishi. Mac enthusiasts working on the Apple operating system probably already have one of his simple yet arresting photographs – “Blue Pond and First Snow” – as wallpaper on their laptop screens. The Blue Pond, which Shiraishi has captured in every season, is fed from a volcanic hot spring, so its hyper-natural turquoise color can be partially explained by the presence of minerals.

Apple WWDC 2012 - MacBook Pro with Retina Display Introduction
(Blue Pond in Biei,Hokkaido)

Kent Shiraishi's "Blue Pond & First Snow" is chosen by Apple as one of its desktop backgrounds,now.
The Blue Pond in Hokkaido Changes Colors Depending on the Weather

Professional & SAMURAI Photographer Kent Shiraishi
Kent Shiraishi Photography Workshop & Hotel

Kent Shiraishi Photography
★Photo Site 500px
Kent Shiraishi