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2007-11-30 | 文化
新宿ゴールデン街 「十月」


2007-11-30 | IT





・大日本印刷のWebサイト http://www.dnp.co.jp/
・am3のWebサイト http://www.am3.co.jp/


2007-11-30 | ニュース



ダカールラリーの2008年大会の正式名称は「ユーロミルホー・リスボン~ダカール2008(Euromilhoes Lisbon - Dakar 2008)」であり、記念すべき30回目の大会となる。正月早々の1月5日にポルトガルの首都リスボンをスタートし、スペイン、モロッコ、モーリタニアを経由し、20日にセネガルの首都ダカールにゴールの予定。総走行距離9,273km、うち競技区間が5,736kmで、モーリタニアの砂漠地帯での競技区間が増加されるなど、過酷なコース設定で競われる。



Apple considering raise for Jobs?

2007-11-29 | IT
Apple considering raise for Jobs?
Posted by Tom Krazit

After years of drawing just a dollar in salary, Apple CEO Steve Jobs could be in store for a raise.

Apple filed its annual report for its 2007 fiscal year Thursday afternoon, and hinted in a section about executive compensation that Jobs could be in for some real money fairly soon. "Because Mr. Jobs's continued leadership is critical to Apple, the Compensation Committee is considering additional compensation arrangements for him," the company wrote.

Apple CEO Steve Jobs can afford plenty of iPod Touches, but he might be up for a raise.
(Credit: Ina Fried/CNET News.com)

Now, it's not like Jobs is hurting for money. According to Forbes' most recent list of the world's billionaires, Jobs ranks 132nd with an estimated net worth of $5.7 billion, $4.7 billion of which comes from holdings in Disney.

The annual report notes that he holds 5.5 million shares of Apple stock through a series of restricted stock awards over the years--some more controversial than others--that have vested. But it also points out that he hasn't sold a single share of Apple stock in the 10 years since he rejoined the company.

The closing price of Apple's stock Thursday? $164.30. So if Jobs were to bail out of Apple's stock tomorrow (this isn't going to happen), he'd pocket $903,650,000.

An Apple representative didn't immediately return a call seeking comment on any potential changes to Jobs' compensation package. I can't imagine that more money would really make a difference in keeping Jobs at Apple, given the fact that he has barely collected enough cash over a decade to buy anything in one of Apple's stores. And if the guy was seriously entertaining the idea of taking a new job to get a raise I'm sure there are 500 or so corporations that would be glad to set executive compensation records for the chance to bring Jobs onboard.

But it's also interesting that Jobs doesn't have one of those automatic sales plans in place, which most executives of his stature use to diversify their holdings in the company and bank some billions for a rainy day. This also protects them from allegations of profiteering if they decide to sell some stock just before a material corporate event takes place, since the dates of the sale were determined well in advance.

How are they going to pay him? In 2000, Apple's board awarded Jobs a Gulfstream V worth about $46 million for turning the company around. Any stock option award made to Jobs right now is going to carry a high price, considering where Apple's stock is these days. He's probably got plenty of black turtlenecks and fruit smoothies, but maybe it's time for a new plane, or perhaps, a real salary.

25 most powerful people in business

2007-11-29 | ニュース
25 most powerful people in business
Some are empire builders. Others are hired guns. But if they truly have world-class oomph, they're on Fortune's subjective - yet really quite accurate - list of the most powerful businesspeople in the world.

Steve Jobs

1. Steve Jobs
Chairman and CEO, Apple

During the first two decades of his remarkable 30-year career, the Apple Inc. founder twice altered the direction of the computer industry. In 1977 the Apple II kicked off the PC era, and the graphical user interface launched by Macintosh in 1984 has been aped by every other computer since. Along the way Jobs conceived of "desktop publishing," gave the world the laser printer, and pioneered personal computer networks. As a side gig he bankrolled Pixar, which fostered the development of the technology and a brand-new business model for creating computer-animated feature films.

Since returning to Apple in 1997, he has changed the dynamics of consumer electronics with the iPod, and persuaded the music industry, the television networks, and Hollywood to distribute their wares with the iTunes Music Store. With his hugely successful Apple Stores, he gave the big-box boys a lesson in high-margin, high-touch retailing. And this year, at the height of his creative and promotional powers, Jobs orchestrated Apple's entry into the cellular telephone business with the iPhone.

That's five industries that Jobs has upended - computers, Hollywood, music, retailing, and wireless phones. At this moment, no one has more influence over a broader swath of business than Jobs.
--Brent Schlender

Google Maps for Mobile

2007-11-29 | IT
November 28, 2007

Google Announces Launch of Google Maps for Mobile With "My Location" Technology

Google today announced the release of version 2.0 of Google Maps for mobile, its innovative and widely used mobile mapping and local search application. New in v2.0 is a beta version of Google's "My Location" technology, which uses cell tower ID information to provide users with their approximate location, helping them determine where they are, what's around them, and how to get there.

Google is committed to providing users with quick and easy access to the information they need, no matter when or where they need it. Location information makes mobile mapping and search faster and more convenient, but the most common source of location information to date -- GPS technology -- is supported on fewer than 15 percent of the mobile phones expected to be sold in 2007. With Google's new My Location technology, users who don't have GPS-enabled mobile phones will now be able to take advantage of the added speed and convenience afforded by location information. The My Location technology also complements GPS-enabled devices, as it delivers a location estimate faster than GPS, provides coverage inside buildings (where GPS signals can be unreliable), and doesn't drain phone batteries as quickly as GPS. Whether users are trying to locate a restaurant in an unfamiliar neighborhood, get directions to the nearest hotel while traveling, or just find a place to grab some coffee while shopping for the holidays, Google Maps for mobile with My Location can help them get what they need quickly and easily.

The My Location technology takes information broadcast from cell towers and sifts it through Google-developed algorithms to approximate a user's current location on the map. This approximation is anonymous, as Google does not gather any personally identifiable information or associate any location data with personally identifiable information as part of the My Location feature. The feature can also be easily disabled by anyone who prefers not to use it. The My Location technology is available on most smartphones, including all color BlackBerry devices, all Symbian Series 60 3rd Edition devices, most Windows Mobile devices, newer Sony Ericsson devices, and some Motorola devices.

Google Maps for mobile, first launched in the US in November 2005, enables users to view interactive maps and satellite imagery, find local businesses, get point-to-point driving directions, and view live traffic updates, all while on the go. The application is now available on and optimized for a wide variety of platforms, running on most J2ME-enabled devices; all color BlackBery devices; Windows Mobile devices with Windows Mobile 2003, 5.0, and above; Symbian Series 60 3rd Edition devices; and Palm devices with Palm OS 5 and above. Google Maps for mobile is being actively used by millions of people in more than 20 different countries around the globe.

To download Google Maps for mobile with My Location, point your mobile or desktop web browser to www.google.com/mobile/gmm/index.html. To see the full range of mobile products and services available from Google, visit mobile.google.com.


2007-11-29 | ニュース

11月29日 サービス開始

 任天堂株式会社、東日本電信電話株式会社、西日本電信電話株式会社は、「Wii」と「フレッツ光」による接続推進を目的とした協業を行なうと発表した。サービスは大きく2つ予定されており、「Wii×フレッツ接続サポートセンター (コールセンター)」の開設と「簡単! 便利! Wii接続おまかせパック」の販売となる。これらのサービス開始日は11月29日午前9時から。

 発表された協業については、大まかには10月10日に行なわれた「任天堂カンファレンス 2007.秋」で任天堂の岩田聡氏から発表されていたが、今回その内容が明らかにされた。



 一方、NTT東日本の古賀哲夫代表取締役副社長は、パソコンからのインターネット接続が頭打ちになりつつあると考えているようで、パソコンが無くてもフレッツ光を人々が導入するような商品開発が必要であると語った。「フレッツフォン」や「クルリモ」がそれら商品となるが、その中でも目玉となるのがWii だという。古賀氏は「フレッツ光を始め6年ほどとなるが、日本ではこれだけ (インフラが) 充実しているのに対応したサービスが出てこないのが残念。しかし、Wiiの普及によって、ここでゲームが出てくれば画期的な時代が始まるのではないか」と期待を寄せた。

 続いて、NTT西日本の井上裕生代表取締役副社長がサービス内容を説明。「Wii×フレッツ接続サポートセンター」に関しては、東日本エリアおよび西日本エリアに任天堂とNTT東西の共同運営で設立。11月29日から開始となる。フレッツ光とWiiのネット接続についてコンサルティングを行ない、新規回線の受付から接続方法までサポートする。受付時間は9時から17時までで、土・日曜も受け付ける (祝日・12月31日~1月3日までは休業)。当初は数十人規模でスタートし、トラフィックの量に応じて対応していくという。

 「簡単! 便利! Wii接続おまかせパック」は、回線工事から機器セットアップまでをパック化した商品。新規にフレッツ光を申し込む人に対してWiiの接続に必要な無線接続機器のセットアップなどのサポートを行なう。基本メニューは、「フレッツ光」新規申し込みと、アクセスポイントやルータなどの無線接続機器、そして Wiiポイント1,000ポイントとなっている。さらに選択メニューとして訪問設定か追加のWiiポイント1,000ポイントが用意されている。つまり、もし機器の設定を自分で行なえばWiiポイントは2,000ポイントもらうことができる。価格は6,800円で11月29日の9時から受け付け開始となる。なお、価格体系は東日本、西日本で細かく設定されているので、各自ご確認いただきたい。


 一方、コンソールマシンはWiiだけではなく、プレイステーション 3やXbox 360もあるが、NTT東日本の古賀氏は「(他のプラットフォームと) やらないとは言わないが、一番強いWiiとやるのがいい。話があればやる」とし、他のコンソールマシンとの協業についても含みを持たせながらも、基本的にはWiiに期待を寄せているようだった。


2007-11-20 | クール・ジャパン












 ▽鮨 水谷(同)

