We said good-bye to Rev. Benjamin at the airport. We appreciate his ministries in Kyushu in God! We thank him in God. See you again!長崎へ向かう道ではやすらぎの歌を練習されていました。主の血潮と大きな愛を気にいって賛美されています。 He sang Yasuragi no Uta on the way to Nagasaki. He likes "the blood of the Lord" and "Great Love", and he is singing these songs.
ブログ「梅雨明け間近の中国地方を行く 中国宣教の旅 パウロ秋元牧師」がアップされました。ぜひご覧下さい。
“Pastor Paul Akimoto: Traveling to Chugoku Area Just Before the End of the Rainy Season” blog is being updated. Please have a look. Click here.
“Pastor Paul Akimoto: Traveling to Chugoku Area Just Before the End of the Rainy Season” blog is being updated. Please have a look. Click here.
ブログ「台風の中を行く 沖縄宣教の旅 パウロ秋元牧師」がアップされました。是非、ご覧ください。
A blog,"Pastor Paul Akimoto: Going on His Mission Trip to Okinawa during typhoon" is uploaded. Click and see it. http://astone-blog.jp/glory/
A blog,"Pastor Paul Akimoto: Going on His Mission Trip to Okinawa during typhoon" is uploaded. Click and see it. http://astone-blog.jp/glory/
Today we had a charity live at the park in Chuou Ward before Monday Service.
Today also there were many people passing through the park or sitting to eat lunch.
Many listened to Yasuragi no uta and received newsletter of an orphanage in Japan.