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コロラド・ゴスペル・ショーケース Colorado Gospel Showcase

2012-04-23 23:41:17 | J-ゴスペル


そのショーケースのトップバッターで、TLCCCデンバー教会の賛美隊「Grateful Heart」が「やすらぎの歌」から「すべてを主にゆだねて」と「鷲のように」を日本語で賛美ささげました。神様のご臨在が豊かに現され、スタンディング・オベーションとなりました。主をほめたたえます。司会の方からも、言語を超え、国民を超えて働かれる神様の素晴らしいみ業のことが語られました。アメリカでもやすらぎの歌が用いられています。


On 21st April, an event called “Colorado Gospel Showcase” was held at Shorter Community A.M.E church. With guests like Grammy award winner veteran Gospel singer, Tramaine Hawkins and Shirley Murdock, who used to be active in R&B and Soul music in the 80′s and is now Gospel singer, 750 seats were full before it started.

As the first performer in that Show Case, TLCCC Denver church praising team, “Grateful Heart” praised “Leave everything to the Lord” and “Like an eagle” in Japanese from “Yasuragi no uta”. God’s presence was revealed abundantly, and we received standing ovation. We praise the Lord. M.C commented about wonderful God’s works that works beyond language and people’s race. “Yasuragi no uta” is used in U.S.A.

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福島に孤児院を Building a children's care center(ohphanage) for Fukushima

2012-04-23 20:36:20 | 神学校・学び




▼銀行口座 口座名 特定非営利活動法人礎の石孤児院 日本での孤児院設立及び支援のため
みずほ銀行 五反田支店 (普通) 2915961

口座番号 00120-5-417839
加入者名 特定非営利活動法人礎の石孤児院 日本での孤児院設立及び支援のため

We have a charity live around Fukuoka Tower,Momochihama before worship service this week as usual.
we are doing for building an orphanage (a children's care center).

We appreciate your surpport.

<Support Financial Address:>

Bank account

Gotanda Branch Mizuho Bank

Account Number / (check account)2915961

Account Name / NPO The Cornerstone Orphanage, Support and Building an Orphanage in Japan

Postal transfer account

Account Number / 00120-5-417839

Account Name / NPO The Cornerstone Orphanage, Support and Building an Orphanage in Japan

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メッセージ続き More Message

2012-04-23 10:02:22 | 海外宣教




If we will make people to His disciples, we have to go to there repeatedly, also the Scripture says,"all", so we have to reach to all nations.

When we go to a mission following His word, the reality of His word, " be with you to the end of time." will be manifested.

Church growing come woth overseas mission, he said.

Photo is Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara.

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海外宣教 Overseas mission

2012-04-23 10:01:32 | 海外宣教



Pastor Isaiah Makoto Kihara delivered a message about the Great Comission of Jesus from Mathew 28, Mark16, after testimonies of four people who joined the overseas mission.

The disciples doubted and their heart were hard so Jesus rebuked them, they were not worthy to receive such a mission, but Jesus ordered them, then they followed Him, works of God were manifested.
The Great Commision is not a request but an order fromGod to churches and each one of us.

A photo is Yamazato Gospel Club

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