We said good-bye to Rev. Benjamin at the airport. We appreciate his ministries in Kyushu in God! We thank him in God. See you again!空港でお別れしました。九州のご奉仕をありがとうございました!
We said good-bye to Rev. Benjamin at the airport. We appreciate his ministries in Kyushu in God! We thank him in God. See you again!今朝はベンジャミン牧師を福岡空港までお見送りしました。関西の集会に行かれます。
また、今日はベンジャミン牧師のお誕生日です! 写真はホテルの前で。
This morning we sent Rev. Benjamin off to Fukuoka Airport. He is going to fly to Kansai. Also today is Rev. Benjamin's birthday! This photo is taken in front of the hotel.都ホテルです。
賛美は力強い臨在がありました。 There was powerful presence at the time of praise.
オンタイム(同時中継)で行いました。 We broadcasted this meeting.
Pastor Matsuo of Shimonoseki church, who is videotaping the meeting.たくさんの方々が来られ、病気のいやしのためや、課題を祈って頂きました。 Many people came to this meeting, receiving prayer for healing or other needs.
ベンジャミン牧師を通してたくさんのメッセージが与えられ、語りかけを受けました。主に感謝します! (通訳は長崎教会の坂井牧師がしてくださいました (^o^)/ )
We got many messages and words from God through Rev. Benjamin. Thank God! ( Pastor Sakai served us as a interpreter.
Rev. Benjamin love Japanese food and he is a good chopstick user. For its beauty, he took a picture at the dinner we had before the meeting.
People came and joined the meeting by Rev. Benjamin from Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Shimonoseki, Chikuhou, kurume, and Kitakyushu. Rev. Benjamin brought a message powerfully, the meeting was so blessed by God.
(特別賛美の福岡J ゴスペルクラブ)