すっかり子ども達とうちとけて、ゲームが楽しそうですね。カンボジア孤児院・視察ツアーブログはこちら→ The members of the team look like to open up to the orphans in Cambodia. A blog of the tour of the orphanage in Cambodia was uploaded. http://201309cambodia.blogspot.jp/
The tour visiting Cambodia orphanage arrived in Phnom Penh, a capital of Cambodia, met again the orphans! ( some of them are for the first time to visit there). They look like happy.
天神・正友ビル・2Fで行います。どなたでも気軽においでください。 ♪ ♬
"The Sound of the wind " mini concert will be held at 1:00 pm on Sep. 29. This time the concert will be a charity to introduce and support The Cornerstone Orphanage. It will be at 2F of Masatomo Bldg. in Tenjin. Everyone is invited. Tomorrow practice for the concert will be held after the Service.写真ニュースより→ 生ける神の望み飯塚教会の聖会の中でいやしが起こりました。
God’s healing took place in the holy conference held in Hope of the Living God Iizuka Church. Brother M accepted the utterance,”Finger got healed” mentioned by the instructor. He suffered from trigger finger for a long time. He was bending his finger with pushing finger joint and enduring his pain. He just noticed that he was able to freely bend without pain. Also, he let the instructor pray for his knee he had suffered from for a long time. The next day, he got pleased and did a squat because he felt no pain in his knee. Then, he is able to move around like cleaning rooms and so on. He was completely healed. A friend of Sister M came to the meeting held in church for the first time. She received prayer for her arthritis and rheumatism. She constantly had pain. But she called with gladness because she had no pain when she got up in the morning. We give thanks to the Lord who performed a lot of healing all at once.
明日(日曜)の礼拝は天神4丁目の正友ビル・3Fで行います。どなたでもお気軽においでください。 第1礼拝9:35~、第2礼拝11:00~(子どものクラスもあります)、午後礼拝15:00~、(第3礼拝19:00~は長崎カリスマ聖会に合流します。詳しくは教会へ092-732-7362)また、月曜礼拝を14時から新光ビル・2Fで行っています。詳しくは教会までお尋ねください→http://www.tlccc.net/~fukuoka/
ブログ「9月の透明な風の中 スネルゴイ 馬橋キリスト教会 新井宏二先生」がアップされました。ぜひご覧下さい。
“Synerugoi by Rev. Arai of Mabashi Christ Church: In Crystal Wind on September” blog is being updated. Please come and visit here: http://astone.tv/events/synerugoi201309/
15日の特別賛美はSweet incense スィートインセンスで、「永遠にほめ歌う」を賛美しました。是非、お聞きください。
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