九州各聖会 http://astone.tv/events/kyushu201407/
福岡聖会 http://fukoukaca140707.blogspot.jp/?m=1
We prayed for typhoon won't come to Kyushu and Kanto area !
Please pray for the team.
From TLCCC Photo news of Tokyo Antioch Church:
Please pray for Pastor Paul Akimoto and Pastor Isaiah Kihara’s move and Rome Patmos Team. According to the weather report, when they move to Tokyo, a typhoon will hit them. And their flight to Rome and Patmos will be hit by the typhoon. They are scheduled to fly at 2:05 p.m. from Haneda. So, please pray that Pastor Paul Akimoto and Pastor Isaiah Kihara will be able to move from Kyushu to Tokyo, and all of the members will gather at Haneda to fly safely on Friday.