FIFA Women's Football World Cup - 女子ワールドカップ 2011-07-18 | Sports-スポーツ Japan win's FIFA Women's Football World Cup by defeating favorites US team in PK. Unbelievable. I woke up early (3:30AM) to do some work and had the TV on but ... wow, unbelievable. サッカーの女子ワールドカップ決勝で、日本女子代表(なでしこジャパン)は米国代表をPK戦で米国を破り、初優勝! 仕事するために早起きして、テレビをつけていたけど、、、、 アンビリーバボー
Coca-Cola Classic ad: Mean Joe Green [Full Version] (1979) 2011-07-10 | Weblog Coca-Cola Classic ad: Mean Joe Green [Full Version] (1979)
Yakult-タフマン - Toughman has "balls" 2011-07-07 | Humor-ユーモア Only in Japan. Toughman is a energy drink from YAKULT Corp. The man in the balls/testicles/nuts/gonads on his head is a famous Japanese actor, Mr Shiro Ito. Only in Japan. ... my country. [HD][CM]Yakult-タフマン(網棚)(30sec)
Magazine Approval - Bud Light 2011-07-06 | Humor-ユーモア "I don't really read those." "I do. I read the hell out of them. When its done, it looks like its gone through a paper shredder." (too funny) Magazine Approval - Bud Light