[2022年以後] ぼくらの時代、ぼくらの祖国

TOYOAKE city starts Work with Child on May

TOYOAKE city government will allow its employees to bring their children to work ,when they have to take care of them unexpectedly on May 1.
It is named the "Work with Child" system.

This  program can be used in emergency situations such as temporary child care center closures or when a grandparent or spouse who usually looks after the child is unwell or on an errand. 

Twenty-three city employees used the system during a trial in March .

70% of colleagues of employees who had brought in their children said that they did not mind having kids at their workplace. 
However, some apparently said that they could not concentrate.

Toyoake Mayor said, 
The best thing to do would be to provide temporary child care services that any citizen can use when they are sick or on errands.
We'll start from where we can to make the city of Toyoake a better place to raise children and work.

My opinion…
I think this measure is very good.
However  these measures must be more needed by private sector workers.







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