Arabianmnight story wives 4
car driving dessert road. just like i went ordision,2005. i went house of owner of hotel far tired in taxi on the run dessert
road i cried.
but now i with reliable man.we standed at the door of his legal wife.beautiful voice heared. Mohamad dessapeared. i coudnt enter. The geisha old Japan easily sut in wifes house.....?
Young girl sut and looked TV,and 1 boy played minicar looking sad.i met japanese girl.and bringed!
sure you stayed night with
her! its problem by police.
She said low voice.
i sat sofa. mohamad said asami cant speak Arabic. i responced question of her.No heiya fahima Arabi.she said.
i go out lovely wind waved red flower.
they called me.white face and very beautiful
gray eyes egyptian lady gave me Apple
juice. they discussed about work.i catched bool of boy,and touched him. He became smile ride bycycow.
wife asked me you married? i said
No. its nice, she said.
i thought why? beautiful chrystalshanderia shined on pianno. looked protekted life
mohamad said to me when she went to wife dont love me ,i dont know why.
someone come. she went and complain about gas price and payed to man.she was perfekt wife.
いや、途中で日本の女の子に会ってね。 あなた、今まで彼女といたでしょ?警察が、とかアラビア語で言ってる。わたしはソファに座る。美しいシャンデリアを見上げて。彼を取ろうなんて思ってない。 彼女はアラビア語わからないよ。ムハンマドは歯を磨きながら言う。ほっそりした、紛れもない美人、まだ少女のよう。アラビア語で自己紹介、彼女の白い顔を見つめながら。麻美はわかるわよ、奥さんは言う。
庭の木に惹かれて外をでる、ここは静か..花にてをやる 彼と奥さんによばれて入る。お盆に載ったリンゴジュースを飲みながら 悲しそうな男の子を見る。一人で待ってたお母さんの気が映って。投げたボールをピアノの下から拾ってあげ、名前を呼ぶと 少し笑顔で三輪車に乗りだした。子供は得意、あやすのは。
綺麗な灰色の目で 結婚しているの?
それは良かった 結婚なんてするものじゃないわ。
car driving dessert road. just like i went ordision,2005. i went house of owner of hotel far tired in taxi on the run dessert
road i cried.
but now i with reliable man.we standed at the door of his legal wife.beautiful voice heared. Mohamad dessapeared. i coudnt enter. The geisha old Japan easily sut in wifes house.....?
Young girl sut and looked TV,and 1 boy played minicar looking sad.i met japanese girl.and bringed!
sure you stayed night with
her! its problem by police.
She said low voice.
i sat sofa. mohamad said asami cant speak Arabic. i responced question of her.No heiya fahima Arabi.she said.
i go out lovely wind waved red flower.
they called me.white face and very beautiful
gray eyes egyptian lady gave me Apple
juice. they discussed about work.i catched bool of boy,and touched him. He became smile ride bycycow.
wife asked me you married? i said
No. its nice, she said.
i thought why? beautiful chrystalshanderia shined on pianno. looked protekted life
mohamad said to me when she went to wife dont love me ,i dont know why.
someone come. she went and complain about gas price and payed to man.she was perfekt wife.
いや、途中で日本の女の子に会ってね。 あなた、今まで彼女といたでしょ?警察が、とかアラビア語で言ってる。わたしはソファに座る。美しいシャンデリアを見上げて。彼を取ろうなんて思ってない。 彼女はアラビア語わからないよ。ムハンマドは歯を磨きながら言う。ほっそりした、紛れもない美人、まだ少女のよう。アラビア語で自己紹介、彼女の白い顔を見つめながら。麻美はわかるわよ、奥さんは言う。
庭の木に惹かれて外をでる、ここは静か..花にてをやる 彼と奥さんによばれて入る。お盆に載ったリンゴジュースを飲みながら 悲しそうな男の子を見る。一人で待ってたお母さんの気が映って。投げたボールをピアノの下から拾ってあげ、名前を呼ぶと 少し笑顔で三輪車に乗りだした。子供は得意、あやすのは。
綺麗な灰色の目で 結婚しているの?
それは良かった 結婚なんてするものじゃないわ。