Le temps

2012年01月21日 21時06分36秒 | フランス語落書き帳

 Ne rien faire au Japon ,c'est conside're' comme

1)empe^cher      to prevent 

empe'cher la vue

empe^cher le travail

L'orage a empe^che' notre bateau de partir.

Rien ne vous empe^che d'y aller.

2)un pe^cheur

3)un pe'che'

commettre un pe'che'

avouer ses pe'che's

pe'che' mortel

sept pe'che's capitaux


2012年01月21日 15時50分57秒 | 茶道具

  A shape of tea bowl. Cylindrical.(a solid or hollow figure with round ends and long straight sides)

Deep ones are called fukazutsu,and shallow ones are called hanzutsu.They are used in winter. Famous examples are the  Kyo^genbakama type tea bowl named " Hikigi-no-saya" and the okugo^rai(type of Karatsu ware) tea bowl named  "Nenoko-mochi".

Christmas rose