朝日記21010-13 Jim Jordan議員(Ohio,Rep)を理性の勝利のためにたたかう下院議員として記憶すること
今日の絵は、ものおもう人と とおくをみるひとです。
徒然こと1 理性の勝利のためにたたかう下院議員として記憶すること
NewYork Post誌はご存知、Dudolf Giuliani等がここを拠点として大統領選の開票の正しさを追求していく数少ない保守系メディアであるようだ。ちなみに、この系統としては、2016年にTrumpを勝利に導いた智将O'Reillyが率いるFoxNewsがある。 1月6日は、議会両院の合同会議で大統領選挙の結果を認定する重要な節目の日である。Trump大統領は、Geogia、Michigan ,Pennsylvania, Wisiconsinなどの開票集計システムの誤操作により本来の自分の票が相手側に組み込まれたたと主張し、共和党からの選挙人名簿が民主党のそれと対抗的にだされたいた。この合同会議は、これまでは形式的監査確認をしするのが通例であったが、それまでの状況からの解決のための方策が論議される緊迫した状態であった。オハイオ州選出の共和党Jim Jordan議員は、憲法にもとづく大統領の決定プロセスにもっとも注視していた。それは他の同党の同僚議員以上のものであったことがこのあとに判明することになる。
一方、トランプ大統領は、12月23日に この不正は司法において却下された状況で、残るのは自分に投票してくれた7千万の支持者の意志をどのように結論をだしていくかに答えをだすことが迫られていた。憲法でみとめられた人民の抗議にひとつの結論への展開の筋を見出し、それを呼び掛けていた。そして双方議員が待つ認定議論の開始している真っ最中に、トランプ氏が呼び掛けたデモ抗議者のなかの一部が議事堂の柵を破り、窓ガラスを破って乱入(侵入)し、警備を押し切って気勢をあげた。進行中の議事は中断されて避難に入った。その写真がネットで紹介されているが、乱入者はなかで自撮りをしたりしてどこかのんびりした光景もあったが、硝煙があがり一人の女性が倒れた撮影もある。この女性を含め5人の命が失われた。ここに掲載する記事は、中断した議事がその日の夕方に再開されたときの状況であうか。民主党の議員はもとより、トランプ大統領の再選を目指す共和党の議員も、怒髪衝天ですべての非難がトランプ氏に向かい、そして認証議論の筋は蒸発してしまった。そして会議を仕切るペンス上院議長(副大統領)もいまや彼との関係はこれまでと発言し、民主党のバイデン氏を大統領を認定すると槌をたたくことになる。このトランプ非難の空気が圧倒する空気のなかでJim Jordanは、本来の議題に戻ることを主張する。それを冷静に取り上げることをしないと、あとに禍根をのこすと主張する。 民主党の議員からお前はなにを考えているのかと詰問、恫喝ときに懐柔される圧力がある。この記事では一人果敢に戦う彼の姿を記述しており、やむなく筆者の脳裏に印象を刻み付けるものがある。我々の社会であれば場を白けさせるものとして単なる変人とみてしまうことを思うにつけ、だがしかし、このひとを「理性の勝利のためにたたかうJim Jordan」としてあえて、その名を記録に留めておくものである。
徒然こと2 Jim Jordan議員ひとり立ち、大統領罷免(修正25条)適用とたたかう
NewYork Post2021-1-13
Jim Jordan spars with Dems, GOP over 25th Amendment (nypost.com)
Jim Jordan spars with Dems, GOP over 25th Amendment and election results
By Ebony Bowden
January 12, 2021 | 3:37pm | Updated
Mr. Chairman. Yes.
Rep. Jim McGovern feuds with Rep. Jim Jordans at 25th Amendment hearing
WASHINGTON — Rep. Jim Jordan steadfastly maintained claims of election fraud amid attacks from Democratic and Republican lawmakers in a heated House Rules Committee hearing Tuesday.
Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle rebuked Jordan (R-Ohio) for pushing President Trump’s claims of voter fraud ahead of a vote on a resolution calling on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office in the wake of the Capitol riots.
Jordan, who was awarded the Medal of Freedom by Trump on Monday, repeatedly refused to acknowledge that President-elect Joe Biden won the election “fair and square” and warned that Democrats were launching more dangerous partisan proceedings.
“Will you admit that Joe Biden won fair and square and the election was not rigged or stolen?” Democratic Chairman Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) asked Jordan.
“What I did over the past several months is follow the process that the Constitution prescribes,” Jordan said, punting on the question.
“That’s not the question I asked,” McGovern shot back, before repeating his question.
Unbowed, Jordan replied: “He won because the way the process works is the last chance to object is January 6th and that objection didn’t prevail.”
Ohio Rep. Jim JordanAP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite
House Democrats on Monday introduced a resolution calling on Pence to remove Trump by invoking the 25th Amendment and are expected to vote on a single article of impeachment Wednesday.
Section 4 of the 25th Amendment says a president can be involuntarily stripped of his powers if he’s deemed incapable of fulfilling his duties.
Washington remains on edge after last week’s deadly siege, when thousands of Trump supporters stormed Congress and interrupted a vote on Biden’s Electoral College victory.
Sen. Chuck Schumer wants Capitol rioters on a no-fly list ahead of inauguration
Angered by Jordan’s response, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.), the author of the resolution, accused the Ohio Republican of pushing “the very same lies and deceptions about this election that got us into this nightmare in this first place.”
“I feel an analogous disappointment that he will go to the ends of the Earth defending the lawless misconduct of this president,” Raskin said.
“Is there anything he could do that would cause Mr. Jordan not to defend him?” he asked.
Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.) also admonished Jordan, saying senior Republicans needed to step up and acknowledge Biden’s win to bring the fractured nation together.
“We’re trying to bring this nation back together, Jim, jeez!” Perlmutter begged. “I really just want to bring this back together.”
“I don’t like these resolutions. I support them. We had damage, injury to this nation, the likes of which we haven’t seen for centuries,” he went on.
“I just want the people to know from somebody who’s in a leadership position, as you are, that Joe Biden won the election, that Kamala Harris won the election.”
A growing number of Republicans have broken with Trump in the wake of the violent uprising and have publicly called on Trump to resign or have signaled they would be open to articles of impeachment.
Jordan condemned the violence — calling it “as wrong as wrong can be” — but said he was afraid another politically motivated impeachment from Democrats would only further divide the country.
Trump: Impeachment push over Capitol riot is causing ‘tremendous anger’
“Congress needs to stop this effort to remove the president from office just one week before he is set to leave. Continued calls to impeach the president or remove him from office using the 25th Amendment, I don’t think, are healthy for our nation,” he said.
“Rushing this resolution to the floor will do nothing to unify or heal the country,” he went on, accusing Democrats of using the 25th Amendment as “a political weapon.”
“Let’s be clear: Democrats have been wanting to remove President Trump from office since he won the election in 2016. They failed with the Russia investigation, they failed with the Mueller investigation and they failed with their first impeachment investigation,” Jordan continued.
“So here we are again, considering another divisive effort to go after President Trump.”
The commander-in-chief, on his way to Texas on Tuesday afternoon, told reporters at the White House before leaving that the push to impeach him twice was creating “tremendous anger” and that he’s not to blame for the violence at the Capitol.
communication with friend;
2021-01-16 01:28:29Beth sent;
Jim Jordan is a good, brave man. I am concerned about anybody that stands up to establishment in D.C.
You sent January 14 at 2:03 AM
You sent January 14 at 2:03 AM
Beth sent January 14 at 2:18 AM
I will not be posting on Facebook for a while. To many people from other countries are posting about our government that don’t live here and don’t know the details of what is going on. FB is using my comments on the front of posts with nasty comments from these people that are very nasty.
Beth sent January 14 at 2:20 AM
I do not post nasty comments and it is too upsetting. See post above as well .
Thu 4:23 PM
Arai sent January 14 at 4:23 PM
I see what you are upsetting and how they did hurt your righteousness and reason.🙁
Fri 6:25 AM
Beth sent Yesterday at 6:25 AM
Jim Jordon is a good man and a true American Patriot. Everyone except the people that only watch Fake News, and there are many, know that President Trump did not incite violence. They have already made many arrests. One was carrying a Confederate Flag, some had helmets and face coverings like the rioters in Portland, Seattle and elsewhere wore. It is sad they are blaming President Trump because he has so many supporters which he still has. Don’t know what will happen to our Country under the new administration and am very concerned the it will not be the United States as we know it. I will still follow the posts and may share some but no longer will I comment. And may leave FB if it doesn’t improve.
You will still be my friend and we can still share our feelings and hopefully your lovely artwork.🥰🙏🏻