

Bipolar Disorder

2009年06月17日 17時39分54秒 | 友達の平和
I know that you live near Mills Country Park.
Iris garden is in Mounlainside park?
It is beautiful Iris.

Sometimes I meet with deer in Nikko mountain.
Deer damage trees, it is problem in Nikko.

I don't like Chameleon.
I like a small cute bird like PiiiChan.

I am in a manic state now.
I get angry at Japanese government.
I get angry at the company.

But I don't fight with company's members.
I just ignore them.
I don't attend to meeting.
My boss say nothing to me.

I have a good relationship with some company's members.
I am thinking of the theme to get doctor degree.
I have never written a scientific paper.
I read many scientific papers of others now.

I don't know that I success or not. I just do it.
There are many geniuses suffered from Bipolar Disorder like Goethe, Gogh and Winston Churchill.
Anyway I enjoy my life outside work.

When I am in a depressive state,
I can do nothing, cannot go to the company and just lay down on my bed.
I cannot touch PC.
I cannot look at Facebook.
I cannot send you Email.

Don't worry about me.
I have experiences of Bipolar Disorder for 20 years.
