

Peaceful world in Facebook

2009年09月19日 15時12分34秒 | 友達の平和
I find peaceful world in Facebook.
It is easy to be friends all around world.
I don't feel that there are border between countries

So we should not fight each other.
I think the arrival of new age through Internet.

My English is poor.
It is difficult for me to write English.

I have never been to South America.
I am interested in Brazil and Paraguay where many Japanese ancestries lives.
I think that they feel strong affinity toward Japanese.

I have a friend in Paraguay through Internet.
Her name is Higaki.

I want to travel abroad once a year.
Someday I will travel Paraguay.
I plan to go around Iguazu Falls.
I can travel Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina at one time.

Price of commodity of Japanese was high 20 years ago.
But recently I think that the price become normal in supermarket.

Food in some restaurant become cheaper like beef .
