I wacthed a movie. 2007-05-27 11:13:58 | OrangeDiary I watched Pirates of the Caribbean 3 at Diamond City on firiday night I!! I want to be like those Pirates.
Spalta 2007-05-16 01:10:13 | OrangeDiary Is this BGM Nine-Inchi-Nails? primal scQ xD?? From You Tube to you. Can you understand?
I have to do anything. 2007-05-14 01:18:25 | OrangeDiary I will marry on July. Time is gone fast. I have to do something.
I watched movie with nine fiends. 2007-05-13 02:13:24 | OrangeDiary I watched ERECTOROMA. There was very quiet.
Burn! 2007-05-09 22:55:36 | OrangeDiary Bang! I sit down my living. I feel my health be good. I am glad to this matter!
Arctic Monkeys. 2007-05-07 00:54:22 | OrangeDiary I hear Arctic Monkeys on my tv. It's genelation. Talking about my generation!!
Changing. 2007-05-05 21:58:17 | OrangeDiary What do I bleave? What is There? Is it a life of me? I want to be gentry.
I got a morning glory. 2007-05-03 10:02:31 | OrangeDiary I waited the morning with my members in the deep forest. I heard the bird that sang the firstest in deep forest. What's a wonderful exprience! I was born again in the deep forest.